Starship Coyote

Make mine MacGyver.

"Ha! I kill me!"

"Yeah, fuck the sun, I fuckin' hate it too, long live the fuckin' beast."

Don't even know what a joke is.

Rusev is a gem. I believe that light will shine no matter. And supposedly they're gearing Hot Lana for a run of her own. They gonna be alright.


FUBAR on drugs and booze. Paranoid delusions. Incoherent ranting. Beating the shit out his wife.

Some folks, many of them in my FB feed, are so eager to dismiss the needs of the common soda jerk. "We'll just replace 'em with robots! Get a real job!" I reckon when robots start replacing attorneys and doctors and NFL coaches, they'll need a new line.

Some several years ago I worked at a certain retail store. And at this retail store the Muzak machine went on the fritz. And that Muzak machine played the same seven and a half songs over and over again in the same order for three days. I realize this is less repetitive than what many experience in shitty retail…

The fistfights in Witcher 3—especially indoors. I've said before and I'll say again that I love that game. But fighting both your opponent and the fucking camera angle in those situations fills me with rage.

I've thought of several responses to this here opinion, but they are all beyond the pale, and I'd rather not commit any of those ideas to the Internet.

Punk has been on the show previously. So maybe he'll show up again to set Marc straight-edge.

Whatever. Raw was fine. Payback was great. I'm just happy that Enzo is OK. My heart stopped when that happened. I honestly thought he might die and was sure that he was crippled.

'Head' is top flight. Easily the best thing that Frank Zappa was ever involved with.

Hurm. I feel like Tirico is the bigger loss, but the same people who complain about Skip don't see him as so headline worthy.

Yeah, he was good for a laugh then. Our ongoing thing was 'Alex Jones is a CIA hoax meant to discredit the movement! Alex Jones is a tool of the government! Alex Jones is an inside job!'

I remember when Alex Jones was contained by public access and pirate radio in Austin. But that light gonna shine, can't hide it.

Real men don't kill coyotes, and thanks for that, but they do apparently sexually sandwich ladies uninvited like. Dickheads, indeed.

Not to the letter really in this category, but The Mekons' 'Ghosts of American Astronauts' is a lovely tune.

This guy was in Negativland, and who gives a shit?