Starship Coyote

I was at work when Michael Jackson died, er rather I was out on lunch break. The NPR had reported previously that he had been discovered unconscious at his estate. When I returned from lunch my co-workers had put the Jackson 5 on the stereo. I looked at them and was like: "damn." And they were like: "yup."

Someone is jamming 'Kiss' extra loud outside at my apartment complex at this very moment and I feel shaken by it. Goodnight sweet Prince.

She meant a lot to a lot of people, too bad she never really seemed to grasp that. I don't buy into any sort of afterlife, but at least I suppose that her troubled heart is at peace now.

Understood. I try not to be a troll on these things, cuz sure they've got a right to their stupidity.

Pretty sure that I did just invent that, but I never ask for credit unless cash is involved. Please perpetuate.

Yup. And they have supporters aplenty. It's a real fun read. I keep up with this stuff so that I can inundate myself with these views, and thus can ostensibly react more level-headedly to the real time opinions of others. But they never cease to up the ante.

It is the most American of all dishes. I recommend it to the end of forever. It was invented to mask the terrible taste of a terrible cut of beef. And gawd bless them for their inventiveness. But it is, in its modern form, a serious delight. Like a once every coupla months delight. Still it is a delight nonetheless.

I was once in a college course and this lady whom I mostly admired said to the lot of us: "Name one good thing that Southern culture ever gave us."

I think we are in general agreement here, but I see no need to besmirch lard sandwiches.

I follow a lot of Right Wing rage farms on Facebook, cuz I dunno why. And, what with this event and the threats to stop accepting $20 bills (hint: you'll be long dead before those bills reach circulation), they've been especially soothing to my spirit today.

I tried to jam that embedded Hot Coals track just now, but I had my cat in my lap, and that dude's voice made my cat slap me in the face. True story.

They clearly need a new business model. I've got one game on a physical disc for my Xbone and all others are digital downloads. Sucks I can't sell last year's Madden back and all, but technology marches on. I do wish them the best though. They served me well once upon a time.

Yeah, it has a laugh track and the f-word. Real discombobulating.

Indeed. I had considered that, cuz I believe that most if not all Peter Sellers' roles would fall into the article's category, but I thought it might defy the spirit of the topic since nobody has yet been so stupid as to attempt recreating Dr. Strangelove.

Sure, I guess. I never have the urge to put 'American Pie' on the phonograph at home, but I was sitting in a bar around lunchtime the other day enjoying a nice cold draught when this song came on the stereo, and me and all the other day drunks thought it was pretty groovy in context. I thought to myself then: "This

Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau.

Witcher 2. I tried playing it some time previously when it was offered for free on the XBox store just prior to the release of Witcher 3, but I gave up on it a relatively short way in.

Yeah, that's the story so far as I understand it.

The Fall are my first thought when considering the '1 consistent member' category of bands. All praise be to Mark E. Smith.

No mention of legendary faith-based rocker Jeff Fenholt in the Black Sabbath entry? That fella came to both my backwoods high school and the popular local church selling a story about having once been the lead singer of Black Sabbath. The man is an upstanding Christian and was once on the cover of Time magazine. He