
So you’re effectively saying Shovel Knight, The Banner Saga, Hyper Light Drifter, Broken Age, etc. were bad ideas?

Made by a company that has their act together and produces high quality content. At least I don’t remember a game from vanillaware that just sucked. Plus their artdepartment is all sorts of awesome.

Damn, i love that game so much i bought it on both PS3 and Vita XD

$1m budget

white people...

Otoh... there are jobs that must be taken that seriously regardless of the innocent-seeming context. My father had a story he told me recently about when he was an officer in the Air Force inspecting nuclear missile silos. The short of it is that he got tackled and held at gun point once when his badge fell off in the

You get a star for the use of the word asininity.

If you’ve somehow navigated the gaming landscape without ever learning what Gamergate is, A) I’m super-jealous and B) I recommend you never try to find out.

Certainly a red flag to the quality of the game but not definitive as was proved by Wolfenstein: TNO.

Nah, some of us had a lot of fun with the beta.

The multiplayer was a blast. Most fun I had playing an FPS multiplayer in a long time.

Two guys made a game studio that still exists nearly 30 years later and signed with the then largest game publisher in the world at 16. One of those great success stories that really makes you question your life decisions.

I’m pissed her training montage didn’t have any Kenny Loggins

I have a ridiculously good gaming pc, but I only use it to play single player games because of that very issue.

While From does not get a free pass on their coding issues, it takes a really unpleasant asshole to spend hours ruining other people’s free time.

What emotional depth? Even the OT doesn’t have emotional depth. Some guy gets mopey because Mr. Miyagi, who he’d met earlier in the week, was killed. His sister, meanwhile, shrugs off the deaths of everyone on her home planet with a mere grimace and then never mentions it again.

Spit on the prequels all you want, but III opening scene is one of the coolest Star Wars moments in screen. If only the rest was more of that and less of the rest

It’s not the crowd though... it’s a specific unique figure in the crowd moving independently of that crowd. There is no good reason for an individual figure in a background (of this nature) to have a different generator... let alone for that unique figure to coincidentally sync up with a critical boss move.

Nintendo has introduced controller innovations ever since the NES that have more often than not been incorporated by the competition. The lesson they have learned is they come up with good controller ideas.

A lot of people are acting surprised about Battfleck, but I really have to ask something, because every time we go through another “Bat Man Cycle”, we keep getting cries of “No one will do it better than ‘x’ actor”, which for the most part are always proven wrong.

Can we safely assume that the role of Batman isn’t that