
They always have good code names for consoles (mostly). Then they find the most boring, mundane and silly name possible for the actual release hardware. It also might be a cultural or language thing, and sounds really cool in Japan.

And 99.99% of people don’t care. You’re an elitist. I get it. You’re looking at games like a car guy. Speed is everything. But, this is a portable console running current gen games. It’s not intended to match your high-end PC.

You only play big boy games eh? Congratulations on being eleven!

Remasters are big sellers though. Even on PC. The big deal about this one is it’s a portable Bethesda game. Without a gaming laptop. So, in that regard, this version is offering something unique other than updated graphics.

Hmmm, it’s like he has a different agenda in mind. Maybe he just wants Nintendo games on his platform of choice.

It’s the Skyrim remaster. Current gen. Also, the last gen Skyrim was not handled well by either the PS3 or XBOX performance-wise.

Or you don’t have reason.

The screens are from the remaster.

Considering the size of the Switch, that’s impressive though. Are you expecting high end PC performance from a console? A portable one?

That is actual gameplay, but it looks like any other video when you play it at that speed. It looks spectacular for a portable version. It must be his PC.

Tried it, looks just like any other video you play of the PC version at that speed.

It looked smooth enough framerate-wise to me. Graphics fidelity was good too. Update your pc?

I thought the remaster came out next week?


I’ve read so many Star Wars novels and watched everything that I could, so I forget where a lot of stuff comes from, but I’m pretty sure you are right.

Oh, I agree, and you’re probably right, it’s likely just an anachronism that they thought no one would notice, or, she is intended to be younger, because she does look young, to me anyway.

Is GRRM co-writing?!!

Take a star for acknowledging he deserves a star.

If that were me in Battlefront, I would shoot a rocket right through there. And you would think an AT AT would be easy to hit. :/

is that a Z-95 crashing into the superstructure? I can’t make it out, but it looks like one.