
It’s not and I didn’t said it was, I just said the XBOX One S doesn’t change that. But Scorpio will. The XBOX One S is a bit faster that XBOX One classic. But still not as fast as PS4, at least when it comes to gaming. Scorpio will be the XBOX hardware to beat, since it has the advantage of being the last to market.

Yes! That was so much fun. It’s so weird that no one has got that aspect just right since. At least that I’m aware of.

It’s kind of like Star Wars, there have been good ones, but never one that places in the ranks of original creations such as Red Dead, Zelda (Whichever one you like the most), Mario, Arkham series (this one IS actually a licensed property too), Last of us, Uncharted, Half Life, HALO, GOW, Angry Birds (That one hurt)

If you want to get them working and don’t mind setting up a virtual machine, you can, after like six weeks of work, get them going. That was an exaggeration. :) Kind of.

This reminds me that I love old PC game boxes too. Armada was awesome.

Interplay did Trek sims the best too. Old school Interplay never gets the credit it deserves. Too bad it’s long gone. :(

Klingon Academy was my favorite. Because of the way the ships would break apart, like in the movies. As far as I know, until this very day, it’s the only capital ship combat sim that would break off ship parts in a realistic fashion related to how you hit them (or you were hit by enemies). A lot of space/fantasy sims

Sleepy Hollow got renewed... S.L.E.E.P.Y. H.O.L.L.O.W!!!

As far as games, the XBOX One S is still slightly slower than the Base PS4. It’s still enough of a difference that the PS4 can run some games at 1080p vs. the XB1S running them at at 720p. Scorpio, however is another story and you will allegedly see a reversal in speed comparisons. HDR can be done in software and is,

It goes all the way back to Dexter, a lumberjack, cutting down the tree that one day becomes the bat.

At the end, he misses and everyone just stands around looking at each other confused.

That’s just what they want you to think!

It should be saved for the finale of this season. And it should be a post-apocalyptic George RR Martin who dies in what would have to be the ultimate irony.

While true, and to a certain extent, too thought provoking for some, it can also be a little sophomoric and simple at times as well. I guess that’s what I like about it. The series would be pretty cerebral and engaging one moment and vapid the next. Which is what you described in general.

Isn’t there a VR based spiritual-sequel to this coming soon?

It is, but it relies heavily on your interest in the things set up in the other series leading up to it. If it’s your first Trek, you probably don’t care or even understand it’s plot implications.

There are a few reasons why this is happening now. Nintendo is releasing a console mid-cycle. New hardware always has some excitement that draws a few customers away, at least for a while. Also, Sony needs faster hardware for PSVR. Microsoft is just kind of following up to keep up. Their announcements have been

And the article added actual specs after my last post. So ignore my earlier post about not having any.