The problem lies in the fact that some people are not cogniscient of what is Nintendo created material and what is not. Even though there have been some really good fan created material out there, there are some really, really bad stuff as well.
The problem lies in the fact that some people are not cogniscient of what is Nintendo created material and what is not. Even though there have been some really good fan created material out there, there are some really, really bad stuff as well.
I’m going to have to back you up on the Kirby thing.
Can anything/anyone save Disney Infinity? Are there any (industry or inside) clues that Disney might be willing to pass it off to a third party?
Is there any chance for an Disney Infinity save? There were rumors EA might take over with Hasbro producing the figures?
Ah!, thanks. I figured it was something like that.
Did they add actual Star Trek music? That Opera battle music was so bad...
I find you most impressive, don’t leave. :)
Another good point. I would love to see an anthology, but a yearly release would work too.
I finished the first Resistance, I would love to go back and finish the others with current gen graphics.
Yes, me too. This is a good example of a game that’s great, but suffers badly from it’s N64 roots.
Star Wars Galaxies was going to do this, then they screwed up everything and sunk the game.
This is one that I can’t believe hasn’t happened already. With all the advances made to the AC engine(s).
Yes please!
It’s harder to see with all the lighting effects of the original releases. But it was released on iOS last year, and it has very simple one source lighting.
I’ve been thinking about it since I played Rayman origins! :)
Well said. If they are just re-releases, I agree. They do serve a purpose in convenience and for new buyers though.
Re-masters are usually outsourced. It shouldn’t have any effect on new products. There are several development houses that do nothing but re-masters and emulated classic games. They actually just employee programmers and no artists or concept people.
Oops, ignore my first reply. It occurs to me your asking how something like that floats. It’s held aloft by air balloons on the structure bottom. You can see them from the sub. A lot of Rapture has them as well.
Free floating. You descend from the bottom of it in a automated submarine vessel. At the time, it was a graphical benchmark when Rapture comes into view. Actually, it still looks great, but no longer technically impressive.