
It just keeps making more and more sense.

That also explains the stormtrooper helmet design.

I’ll be damn. Have a star.

She’s that powerful before training and now she has the dream-team of coaches. Kylo Ren is really the underdog in this trilogy.

I would so buy a compressed air-trooper figure!

If he thought sand was bad before, I bet that Vader armor is a real bitch to get sand out of.

He was already in VII. But I suppose you can’t get enough Nunb.

And wear Han’s clothes...

I’m not disagreeing and I did say in my original post that I was taking Ben’s state of mind and wounds into account. I also agree that killing Luke would be, as you said, a spit in the face of the fans. It all depends on how he goes down I guess. I think we both agree that whomever kills him would bring epic amounts

Rey vs. Kylo would be kind of anti-climactic as of the story now. She beat him pretty easily in their first encounter. I’m not forgetting his injuries or state of mind either. Rey was just portrayed as being WAY more powerful with the force. I’m fairly sure her real name is not Rey, and I hope her backstory is far

I agree and I hope not too. But I fear he will be used as a measure of an enemies strength to set the stakes higher for the main characters. The enemy that takes down Luke will elevate his or her villain status to the highest level possible.

There’s like a rule against flashbacks in Star Wars or something. It’s one of the primary reasons they didn’t tell how Maz acquired Anakin’s/Luke’s saber after they decided to cut the original “severed hand floating in space scene” after the intro scroll.

I read somewhere that Japan and other Asian countries prefer spoilers in their movie advertising. Blu-ray and DVD packaging actually detail the plot and ending of the movies right on the back of the box.

I would think it’s like current real life religions. People have faith in it, even though they might not have ever seen absolute proof of it.

Captain Phasma said the trash disposal system on the third death star was far superior.

There are a lot of things in Star Wars not “suitable for kids” such as Vader slaughtering children, Obi-wan severing a bloody arm, skeletal remains of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Also Hayden Christensen acting.

The second Death Star was much larger than the first. The second likely had more personnel working and living in the “scaffolding” than the first Death Star after it was complete and in service. It could also account for large sections of it being unfinished.

And climate.

Also, all planets have one ecosystem.