
It’s interesting you use the word “optimum” because it depends on what you’re trying to maximize; I’d actually argue your way is more optimal given the purpose of these escalators.

Settle a score in my office. You’re typing and realize you misspelled something. Do you…

It’s amazing that we live in a world where “BROWNS SUCK AT FOOTBALL” is considered surprising breaking news.

A few additional comments:

Agreed, and also make sure you’re paying attention even during the conversation so you know when to casually transition topics. Even people who are willing to discuss the subject usually don’t want a 30-minute thesis on the plot points of Fallout or whatever; keep the conversation interesting and flowing.

That’s a recipe to never getting new interests, ever.

Yes, but the real monsters are the airlines who charge for checked luggage - thereby ensuring that virtually every traveler is dragging along a roller bag and creating a shortage of overhead bin space.

Am I supposed to wait 30 minutes for the service to be done to use the bathroom, when there is one toilet literally 10 steps from me?

If you were really dedicated to this company, you’d be crawling over broken glass to buy the shirts with your own money.

They would be expected to post three “news videos” per day to their site—they were to wear Maven polo shirts in these videos—as well as hundreds of posts per month. The message was clear: Quantity over quality. Prospective Maven “partners” were told by company execs that if they had trouble creating enough content,

video not only has better engagement than strict word-based copy it also leads to longer time-on-page which is a valuable Google metric.

We’re told that Sports Illustrated brass is asking employees for their patience.

4) Make website based entirely on reader data selling to advertisers while pissing off actual readers.

Nope, still a bad idea. Why?

I think it’s just because it’s more of an incremental improvement - the first Mario Maker was revolutionary, the kind of thing that people had been dreaming about for years. And that led to people talking about it for a long time.

I think the real indication of “how podcasting struggles to really make money” can be illustrated by just how many highly successful podcasters, who have been doing it for years with solid listenership and plenty of sponsors, still work full-time jobs.

It seems like most people in the comments aren’t understanding what a post-interview thank-you note should be. Unlike, say, a thank-you note for a wedding gift, the purpose of a post-interview thank-you note is NOT to express appreciation. Instead, we could probably call this a “Reminder Note” or “Follow-Up Note” or

The window seat person. But the middle and aisle seaters can request to have it open or closed.

they would choose differently today—not because of their experience as parents but because of what we’re leaving for our kids:

Even in this metric, Cleveland still doesn’t have a Top 100 NBA player.