Yeah, this sounds like a thing that works better on a Hollywood screen than in real life. Unless you attend enormous parties or duck out super early, it’s usually pretty hard to successfully dodge someone for hours on end.
Yeah, this sounds like a thing that works better on a Hollywood screen than in real life. Unless you attend enormous parties or duck out super early, it’s usually pretty hard to successfully dodge someone for hours on end.
Interesting and much appreciated. So the intent is that if you choose BFA content, that alone gets you from 11 to 50 and you rock and roll straight into Shadowlands.
Is there a good description of the revised leveling system somewhere? Been out of the loop recently.
Agreed. It always amazes me that the US has elections drag on for 18-months (maybe more if you want to go back to when candidates first announce) while other countries turn it around in a handful of months or less.
It’s an old truism in law enforcement that more criminals talk their way into prison than you could ever catch on your own.
I think you’re probably right about auto loans being the next frontier. Loans are getting more and more ridiculous - 72-month or longer loans, the practice of rolling over your current loan into a new car to be even further underwater, new technology continually enticing people to upgrade their cars even if the old…
Senator Elizabeth Warren, however, has so many plans for her potential presidency that she’s starting to outline how she’ll work around the entire legislative branch to accomplish her goals.
I actually think a lot of ‘screen free’ parents would overall agree with you.
The biggest thing is the last paragraph: If you see an existing sinkhole, stay away. It’s amazing how many people will see a giant sinkhole and feel the need to walk up and peer over the edge to see what’s down there. But those edges are typically extremely unstable. Especially sinkholes in roadways or other paved…
Agreed, especially with the 20+ years of advancements in AI since then.
Fair enough; I agree that there’s a difference between a panel interview with a couple people for a legitimate job compared with the post’s cattle-call ‘interview’.
I think TerraCycle’s thought is that you’re committed enough to recycling that you’re willing to pay a sizable sum of money to make sure your suitcase gets recycled rather than getting landfilled.
That actually sounds kind of awesome.
This is advice that I’ve heard even for getting out of debt - yes, it’s critical to cut expenses as much as possible to get out of debt ASAP...but if your plan includes $0 for anything except repayment and requisite living expenses, you’ll usually end up failing the plan. Better to plan a more realistic budget that…
Having grown up with 8-bit games, I like to think I have a pretty high threshold for outdated graphics, but The Witcher is one of those games whose visual ambition at the time has led it tumbling down into the uncanny valley in the decade since.
You’re absolutely correct...but that’s the real problem. Not only is the impact of the elemental affinities never really explained in detail, the game doesn’t even tell you that you’ve locked yourself out of questlines. So unless you have a guide and are following it in detail, you could easily play the game multiple…
Speaking from experience here: Absolutely on the food.
If that’s how you’re doing it, sure, keep on. That’s definitely the smart way to do it. But I definitely feel like you’re more of the exception than the rule - these sorts of sweepstakes wouldn’t be so commonplace if they didn’t boost sales enough to compensate for the costs.
Very good breakdown. Though I suspect for many people, the bigger issue isn’t necessarily the upfront math, it’s having the discipline and planning to use the extra breathing room of “zero interest for 15 months” productively rather than wasting it.
I had the exact same reaction.