The difference is that (a) fans don’t care about some unproven foreign rookie and (b) no other GM/owner is going to complain because every one of them is quietly thinking “hm, could we do that...”.
The difference is that (a) fans don’t care about some unproven foreign rookie and (b) no other GM/owner is going to complain because every one of them is quietly thinking “hm, could we do that...”.
For XP and levels, I would guess the XP requirements would increase per level to create an effective soft-cap on levels in each part. So in Part 1, each enemy provides 1-50 XP. Up to level 20, levels require a few dozen or few hundred XP and ramp up slowly, but then starting with 21, levels ramp up exponentially, so…
I’m fairly sure he’s the first to suggest that he’s too locked in on football to know what an email address is.
That’s why you have mental health professionals or fit, trained psychologists in the world to handle those kind of problems. We do this thing sometimes when a crisis happens, when we suddenly expect our leaders to be skilled at absolutely every job under the sun.
No, it’s not a deal.
Oooh, this is fun because the Atlanta traffic dick move has actually evolved over time!
The NFL would need several pages to define it.
I don’t think I’ve ever been stupider than when I thought, “Instant Replay will make the game better.”
the coach told players and parents “you’re either going to be with Miami kicking tails or you’re going to go against Miami and get your tail kicked.”
Sure, there are absolutely players that will take the hit. My point was more that this change adjusted the cost scale upwards - rather than the previous edition where you’d RAF a second account for a couple months, now you’re going to RAF for 12-months.
very few people actually recruited a friend, and used the RAF to powerlevel an alt, or simply just bought it for the mounts
six of the kids in the picture stayed with me and worked every single day to get better and continue to work to this day.
That’s actually a completely reasonable formula and I’m surprised that aspect of it isn’t marketed more heavily.
My wife and I have zero kids. I was skeptical of Costco at first for that same reason, but I actually get it now:
You can’t delete a character if there’s unread mail in the in-game mailbox (and/or mail that’s been read but has certain items attached). I don’t play Classic, but I’d guess that similar to other in-game holidays, there’s a bunch of “Blizzard says hello!” or “here’s a free gift as a thanks!” style emails that come…
30 minutes does seem a bit strict, but in my experience with the restaurant industry, such policies are usually enforced fairly loosely - if you’re at 30 minutes and still eating food, they’ll let you go. It’s when you get into “finished 20 minutes ago and is just refilling drinks and chit-chatting” territory that you…
For most people, $1M isn’t quite at “walk into the sunset and never work again” levels - it’d be awesome and welcome, it’d be life-changing for many people to get out of debt...but unless you’re already fairly close to retirement, it’s probably not quite enough that you could realistically take it, retire, and just…
Yeah, End and Home are extremely useful once you learn how to use them properly. Especially in combination with other keys - Ctrl+Home moves you to the very start of the document, Shift+Home moves you to the start of the current line and selects all the text (good if you need to replace a bunch of words at once), and…
Pause/Break was originally prepared when computer keyboards were based on telegraphs - since only one person could ‘type’ at a time, the button was used to send a signal to the other side “hey shut up for a second so I can say something”.
Personally, the part that I find most weird is all the fans talking up though they wouldn’t retire their job on the spot if they were in his shoes.