People spend $18 for a 2 hour movie...why is $18 for a 3 hour game expensive?
People spend $18 for a 2 hour movie...why is $18 for a 3 hour game expensive?
“This gun has cost me everything, except my precious, precious gun,” Homer
Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?
I think I speak for most san diegans when I say no, that’s not better, because we don’t fucking need 500m of our public revenue to be given to dean goddamn spanos, who owns half of SD already.
That’s ok Barry, with FanDrool you can play one day puppy fantasy football and not worry about season long commitments!
As a Knicks fan, I’d be happy to see Walton get the job.
Katie Nolan should run away to SimmonsLand on HBO. He’s clearly a huge fan of her and she’d be great on a platform that allows her to remain uncensored.
David Blatt also wanted to get Kevin Love “more involved.” The question was never “Does David Blatt understand basketball?” He’s been playing and coaching his entire life. None of this is complicated. We know he understands the game. The question is, “Can he coach a team with multiple stars to a title?”
Not only is Ticket Exchange a scam, but once you sell your tickets on the NFL’s approved website, you are still responsible for what happens in your seats. We sold our Ravens tickets through it one, and the completely random person who bought them got drunk and kicked out of the stadium. Since the PSL license is ours,…
There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.
“If the Capitals decide to bring their players in here and put them in danger...I’m not going to tell the NHL what to do.” - DCEMA Spokesman
Some no-fun-haver called in a noise complaint against these kids in Gainesville, Fl. for having the audacity—the…
love the gifs + word explanation model this post follows
Tampa paper used to have a column titled, “Bizarre Florida”
Damn. I don’t hate Mort, which instantly puts him in the top 1% of current ESPN personalities.
But not every public gets to vote! Isn’t that what happened with the new Braves stadium in Cobb county (that the powers that be did it on their own authority without ever asking the taxpayers)?
huh, i can actually hear aston martin going broke as i watched the video.
In 15 years, I look forward to explaining to my son why the Rams are leaving Los Angeles.
Just fyi, Deadspin’s official editorial policy is that the Chargers holding an option on moving to LA is the same as them having done so; they can eat shit until they decline the option, and for that matter if they do they can eat shit for having lorded it over their fans in the meantime.