
“Vechery went into the latest custody hearing without a lawyer.”

It’s also Cobb’s fault for keeping it a secret and not bothering to inform Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) about it. So GDOT has a massive ongoing project to expand lanes on I-75 and redo the interchange with I-285...but is not scheduled to be completed until at least a year AFTER the stadium is built.

It’ll have a surge of attendance immediately. *Every* new ballpark/arena/stadium has that nice honeymoon phase.

It’s also worth mentioning that the idea of winning the lottery is kinda false promises. Look at the list of #1 overall picks sometime. Here are the names between 2000 and 2010 (chosen because it’s recent enough for familiar names, but old enough to avoid a lot of assumptions on future career paths):

The problem is that recent title teams all kinda dispute Hinkie’s strategy:

Ah, thanks for the correction. I guess I’ve just heard so many times about how FS1 is struggling with viewership that I assumed it was completely widespread.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure you could copy this article, find-and-replace the show and talent names with basically any FSN program with zero loss of accuracy.

Very good article. One other example related to your “still feeling poor”:

I’m guessing they’re weighting all categories somewhat equally, which is a big mistake.

“The capital costs (i.e., debt on the construction) are funded by taxes on rental cars and hotel rooms, so not so much out of locals’ pockets.”

Man, an arena from 1985? That’s way outdated man. I mean, the wave of baseball stadiums from the early/mid-90's are already being updated or replaced, so an arena from 1985 might as well be labeled an archaelogical dig site at this point.

“There is an alternate proposal, supported by the Nevada Governor’s economic adviser, that would require “only” $500 million in public funds.”

“None of these assholes knows how any of this is going to work out.”

It’s got to be the Sixers. I mean, the Browns, Kings and Knicks were awful, but they at least *tried* to win games this year. Philly was the only franchise that was actively attempting to sabotage themselves.

Rose, Melo, Howard. If the Knicks can invent a time machine back to 2011, that’s a NBA Finals contender right there.

“Basically what every study shows is that stadiums/arenas simply shift patterns of entertainment spending.”

Please tell me that you guys are giving Kevin Draper non-stop crap for collapsing after being historically dominant this season (and even games 1-2 of *this series*).

Personally, I think what makes Skip special is his incredible consistency and longevity. I mean, *pure random chance* would seemingly dictate that at some point he might actually have a correct take about something...but nope. You can’t get that sort of reliability from just anybody.

I can’t speak for the NHL-specific rules, but for most expansion drafts:

In this series against the Warriors, I actually put the blame more on Love than Kyrie. Yes, Kyrie is a subpar defender, but usually you can hide him somewhere on the wing and he’s good enough on offense to more than make up for getting burned a few times. But it’s a huge issue of fit - Love and Kyrie are borderline