
In a vacuum, I think Love is a bit better than you’re giving him credit for. His strengths are actually quite useful in most contexts, since a more traditional down-low big man would just clog things up for Kyrie and LeBron.

Even crazier than that? If you hypothetically won the lottery tomorrow, retired, and spent all your new free time STILL would probably get smacked around.

Barry, you fail to realize that the alternative is having the entire sporting world worship Joe Lacob for all of eternity.

You forgot to call out the potential mistake of including the logo.

Spot on with regards to disincentives. In fact, since his career probably would have ended in 2012 or 2013 without PED’s, I’ll bet he has exactly zero regrets about taking them.

To be fair, it wasn’t much better when you were a child, you just didn’t realize it.

Deadspin did put up a terrified post of “Are we approaching the end of hot takes?” earlier. Geoffrey is just doing his part to save an endangered species.

Meanwhile, Katie Nolan quickly checks whether her FS1 contract allows her to openly mock her “colleagues”. #EmbraceDebate

It’s possible that he thinks (correctly?) that he’s better off losing a close series to Miami than winning this series and getting obliterated in a sweep by Cleveland.

Not entirely related, but NBC Sports seems to be pursuing a MUCH better strategy than FS1.

It’s crazy to contrast this to what Philly has done over basically the same time-frame. I mean, do the Sixers have one viable long-term player?

Who’s taking over the “Writing 10,000 words on stuff that’s important outside of sports” beat since Greg Howard left? I hope you posted a photo of him holding Whitlock’s ESPN skull like a trophy on your office wall.

The fact Cleveland’s coach Hue Jackson isn’t listed on the chopping block is blasphemous and wrong.

ESPN daytime programming exists solely to serve as non-political programming on muted TV’s at various businesses (gyms, the DMV, hospital waiting rooms, car dealerships and so on). You know, the kind that nobody actually watches intently, but people just sort of glance up every now and then for a minute or two.

I’m not sure Sam Bradford is actually a “starter” though - If you play 2 games, then get injured and miss the rest of the season, are you really a starter? Or just a highly paid benchwarmer who sometimes happens to play?

Excellent point on the lifestyle thing. If you don’t enjoy doing stuff around the house (or don’t have time for it), you need to either factor that as a big plus for renting OR purchase a house including a nice-sized “Just hire somebody” fund.

The crazy part is that for all the money Fox is paying him, I’m not actually convinced Skip Bayless really has a unique talent. I kinda see him like a zero WAR basketball player who plays 140 games.

That’s a great list of sarcasm. Particularly “Hypothetical Perfect Person”.

The current return, I’d guess it would be a bit more likely to get checked. (1) You’re changing something to get more money back and (2) Your return would get to them in a weird off-month, rather than being just one of many submitted in April, so they’d presumably be less swamped with work.

Are you kidding? You need to rephrase that - it’s not “losing federal funding”, it’s supporting Small Government and refusing to take handouts from insiders in DC!