Most dominant player of all time? He wasn’t even the most dominant player of his era when Russell was pulling his pants down every year.
Most dominant player of all time? He wasn’t even the most dominant player of his era when Russell was pulling his pants down every year.
Johnny Carmax: yo, what’s up?
If Cleveland is going to cut everyone who didn’t show up then next year’s roster is going to be Joe Thomas, Gary Barnidge and 51 people plucked from the stands.
Haha! Always love reading about the early days of Nintendo and others. Where a few wild people could slip in some really fun things here and there. Sort of like the old wild west of gaming. An age that is dead and isn’t ever going to come back.
I feel like there’s a strong correlation between lexus and douchey plates.
I told Doug he may need to go older on this one, maybe ‘50s or ‘60s. But what’s interesting enough to draw an audience for a whole year? This is my top suggestion at the moment:
How about something ridiculously classic like a Model T or something? Would that be too expensive? It surely wouldn’t depreciate.