a higher power

Don’t let the Gawker police see you +1-ing my jokes.

+1 Maneater.

Would Hillary be “H2O” ?

Beto 2020 is still a good idea, but people are pushing him toward the wrong office. Texas’ other Senator, John Cornyn, is up for re-election in 2020.

But if he doesn’t run then he won’t be able to use the clever “BET2O2O’ROUKE”tm campaign design* that I’ve created for him.

OTOH, find me a better candidate at this time whose name doesn’t rhyme with Fernie Flanders. Not that Fernie is the best choice either.

I should say I was/am fine with the graying, but it’s baffling after saying “We’re gonna mind the comments” to see obvious trolls at the top consistently.

If that’s Tomato, then apparently I’m agreeing with Tomato on the second part of his statement.

I still like the idea floated around by various people, that each reporter called on should begin their question with, “Jim Acosta wanted me to ask you...”

I’m so glad we all got grayed so that bad trolls could live.

This is bad trolling. Shit is transparent as hell. You’re no Tomato.

Jim Acosta may be one of the dumbest journalists out there, but this is good. There shouldn’t be precedent that a president can tailor his press pool to his preference.

What monster told you that shields were bad in Dark Souls? That’s silly. Bloodborne is the one where shields are useless. You can play DS without a shield, but they work quite well. (I’m not particularly great at games, but I managed to finish both Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls, and I definitely had a shield.)

Shouldn’t he be sending his goons out to fight Daredevil right now?

Every Halloween, Matt Whitaker puts on a beige turtleneck and trick-or-treats as a giant penis. 

I see Kane when I see Whitaker, but I can’t fight your choice.


This isn’t a problem for real men because real men shit standing up. Sitting is for girls.

Acting Attorney General Bull Shannon