a higher power

I watched it in about 3 days, and was sad that I didn’t take my time with it. It’s funny, and nostalgic, and a little bit painful. But so worth it. Can’t wait until it comes back.

What ever happened to Angel Barta

This should have been Ghibli but I understand they don't do this stuff anymore.

Just go away

Nintendo Deep State revealed!

When fan films are good, I really appreciate them. But when they're bad, boy howdy am I judgemental as hell.

Weren’t you just whining about Kamala being a cop? You make no sense.

I never thought this was as good as American Gods, but this is a beautiful edition.

Holy shit...

Don’t just drop something like that without elaboration!

How do I get there

I hate this country.

“genwunners” is such a such a stupid and lazy term. I hate fandoms.

Forgiveness and empathy are dead, just when we need them most.

How the fuck are you in featured comments with this idiocy?

It’s our culture. It would be worse if it was a small size, probably.

This was really interesting and not that bad?

I loathe every fiber of my being, because sometimes Remix to Ignition gets stuck in my head and I will catch myself singing it aloud sometimes.

Thanks, Michelle. I'm gay, yet reassured.