a higher power

No kidding. I look at this and I wonder what exactly I have to do to get back out of the grays again. I mean, they probably got blacked when Tom replied to them in the first place, but whatevs. If The Grayening was truly done in order to raise the quality of blacked comments, I...I guess I just don’t get it.

2007 Britney’s got nothing on Juliette Lewis.

When Heidi Fleiss and Tom Sizemore were on Celebrity Rehab they were talking about how they used to “party” - i.e. do a shit ton of drugs - with Juliette Lewis in the 90's, they would have to take a break for a few days because they couldn’t keep up with her.

I was reading

What kind special evil throws the Secret Service under the bus. These people would actually die for him if they had to. Even if it was their call, this is not the way to communicate that, at all, if it should be communicated at all.

The kind of white women NBC was courting with Kelly’s hire only wants to be racist in private or in the voting booth. They don’t want it reflected back to them. It’s why they get pissed when caught on camera and why they rejected Megyn Kelly.

Yeah, I get the internal screaming part, but not the external post-to-instagram part. Also the head banging at the end is both rational at this time, but irrational too. Why pick on Britney? I thought we all agreed to leave Britney alone.

It’s been a while since I’ve read a Wild Cards book, but I thought the virus didn’t infect everyone. I remember that there were still plenty of normal people around. Am I right or is my memory just really bad?

Megyn was never a good fit for daytime tv. Her personality is too abrasive and passive aggressive racism doesn’t fly so well on morning tv. 

Juliette, I love you, but what is happening? Is a Thetan trying to bust out? Can you not heed previous pleas and leave Britney alone?  I need to know. 

Are his tweets getting progressively worse or is my threshold for stupidity getting lower and lower?

In case it hasn’t already been posted. The French Army is now trolling Trump:


Yeah, and the dipshit cheats at golf like crazy and probably drove his fat ass in a golf cart right up onto a wet green to claim a “gimme” for a 10 foot putt. Arrrgh blergh....I just can’t with this moron .....

Remember, these are ‘ketchup on steak’ tastebuds we’re talking about, here. He’d give a Michelin star to an actual tire.

I will be the first to let you know if things go bad.

As if France could give a fuck about shitty American wine.

I will be the first to let you know if things go bad!

I will be the first to let you know if things go bad!

It’s great that turnout was higher than it has been in a long time, but it’s still depressing on so many levels that it’s still less than half. 

Honestly, I didn’t know wolverines were real animals until after I had been reading about Wolverine either. It’s not like they commonly come up in school curriculums or even in zoos.