a higher power

I chose to think that there can only be one person in gov’t who has an unusual spelling of the name “Kirsten” and now they we have Kyrsten Sinema, Kirstjen Nielsen had to go.

So Jeff Flake’s most successful check on Trump was retiring...

Kyl only agreed to serve until the end of this year. So, Gov. Ducey (who was just reelected) will have to choose a Republican to finish out McCain’s term (to 2020). Appointing McSally is the obvious choice because she got close this time and she’ll have the power of incumbency to make another run at a full 6 year Senat

But now it seems every child in Toy Storycould be a secret Dr. Frankenstein: They can create life.”

I like Ariana but this song is not particularly exciting, save for the gossipy part where she name drops her exes. Otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m curious too. And I agree that she sucks in a million ways, but it seems like she puts a lot of effort into caring for him and trying to help him get well. While she will sometimes make public statements defending him and his mental health I don’t see her enabling him. 

I’m the same way with Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello. Bodies, yes. Faces, no.

Off topic but I hate when Ellen does shit like that. Naomi Osaka was clearly uncomfortable talking about her crush. So, of course, Ellen won’t let it go. 

I don’t understand how these women manage to sell anything. I’m starting to think that they buy up there own shit because they can, and it makes their brand look desirable. I wouldn’t wear a Kardashian product on the soles of my feet (which are sacred) or my anus (which might also be ‘holy’). I might use a Kylie lip

Lenny Kravitz’s album Momma Said is basically the sound track to my high school sex life. This talk of him not having sex is very confusing.

she is totally complicit if not supportive of his bs

People who DON’T have sex talk about sex waaayyy more than people getting it.

Tekashi69 ... I really wish he would get his

I can’t stand Nicki.

Ok, I guess I can kind of see the chipmunk face-thing, but his face is so expressive! His eyes! He’s a brilliant actor! And that body! There’s Wallace, String! There’s Wallace!

The only thing worse than celebrities bragging about all the sex they are having, is celebrities bragging about all the sex they are not having.

Man, they really underestimated runoff areas back then. What’s remarkable is how Tilkean the south loop layout looked despite being a 50's track. I think this can be revived.

It’ll grow back

“But that sign says fires are prohibited! California has liberal fire control laws, and it still doesn’t stop fires from happening, let’s just burn everything down.” /s