a higher power

No the judge took the right take. She didn’t argue for personal safety, or even professional security or even just protecting her capacity for future employment. She argued that it would expose her lifestyle to gossip - which is a known burden of public life. Had she gone with any of the other three options she might

God has spoken.

Ezra’s cheekbones forever!

In other news, they had the premier for Fantastic Beasts 2 and Ezra Miller wore this:

That sounds...actually kind of sweet. Like a little birth tree. But this, placenta smoothie?? Yeah, that’s gross 

I remember when I thought my friend’s wife was odd for taking her placenta, burying it in her yard, and planting a tree on top of it. Good times, good times.

I’m due with my first in May, so I picked up a book that was supposed to teach me how to nourish my body and bond with my baby for the first forty days after birth. I skipped ahead to the recipes and the very first one was for a placenta smoothie that called for a “2 inch piece of frozen placenta”. So I obviously

This is a great and very thorough resource. I’m not worried about Google because I’ve found no legit reason to be worried. I accept that all these free services have to come at a price, and that price is my browsing and usage data.

To that I say: it doesn’t “push out” the good ones, but rather forces them to train the next generation of leaders. Which we should want!

Yes, the current batch have been nakedly political.... But that is still very different than running a campaign for a seat and requiring those seeking a seat to be bought out by donors. Campaign finance laws would have to be completely re-written before we have judges being sold to the highest bidders.

Yes, there should be term limits. They should be long, but they should exist.

The other argument I always hear against term limits is that it would be used to push out good senators or justices, but honestly I don’t get this at all. Yeah it pushes out good ones, but it also pushes out /bad/ ones? Isn’t the idea that the government should be dynamic and engaged? just because (for instance)

I hate that our fucking future relies of a handful of octogenarians getting out of the shower safely

If the Democrats really want to stop this kind of thing, they have to understand that every office makes a difference, and that there are elections more than every four years, and more than every two years.

That’s not how it will work, though. The unhinged, hate-filled WI G.O.P. lawmakers and the inbred cheesebillies that prop them up will only hear that Evers accomplished nothing in 4 years, or even worse, complete and obvious lies that he reversed all the storied G.O.P. progress under Scoots McDropout, and Evers will

So the GOP is the party of “small government” when it’s the Dems in charge, but virtually dictatorship when they’re in control? Got it.

Republicans will continue to do this across the board as they lose power the next few election cycles. Democrats will start their hard won offices with handicaps. Lame duck Republicans are dangerous.

Third paragraph from the bottom:

And here we go!

The last few years have made one thing blindingly obvious: