a higher power

I’m just dying to see this fat bastard on the stand, where he doesn’t get to control anything by just yelling “EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME!” at the judge.

I would say he seemed desperate and upset and that’s why he’s acting out, but this is pretty normal. He just escalates by a little bit from whatever the last worst thing he did was.

Piggybacking this to say, Matt Whitaker’s appointment is Illegal.

Might as well been there Sarcastic Daily Boy. Since we saw it from every angle imaginable. So there goes your joke.

Wasn’t Johnny Depp fired from the Pirates franchise within the last week or so?

Come at me all fuckin’ day, dipshit right whinger trolls. I’ve got the quickest dismiss trigger in all of Splinterdom.

This event almost certainly not worth that hope. This one event cannot be the defining moment that creates this desire.

Don’t even care if it’s soon, just want it to be long and arduous. I want these people to suffer as much, if not more, than they know they’re causing millions upon millions to suffer as such.

As a journalist, this really pisses me off. I get that the WH has the right to control who gets a pass (that’s as it should be -- any org should have control over who is allowed in) but to pull it under false pretenses because you got asked a question you don’t like? Bullshit. Just utter bullshit.

This. I don’t know how to say it. I don’t want to WISH death on anyone, but... if they HAVE to die soon, make it include flashback of all their horrible shit accompanied by severe sphincter pain each time until death is the only relief.

And, as always, there’s a tweet:

Amazing how Trump is now so suddenly concerned about young women being inappropriately touched.

“We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job

Here’s the video proving 100% that Acosta didn’t hit a woman. TRUMP, SANDERS AND HANNITY ARE LYING SACKS A SHIT!!!!

When is this orange fucking piece of shit going to realize that we citizens and taxpayers (and he is apparently NOT the latter as it seems he nor Javanka pay much if any taxes) own the fucking White House. It’s ours. Press access should be a law, not subject to the whims of a juvenile narcissistic sun-downing bully

In slow mo even

Trump is like school on Saturday.

There’s clear video of the interaction (Josh Marshall has it on twitter) and this aide clearly goes after him to try to yank the mic out of his hands repeatedly as he’s trying to ask his question.

I met him once and he was very nice.

Kyle MacLachlan, oh how I love you.