a higher power

Idiot con man becomes hatchetman for the biggest con man.

I have no idea what Whitaker might or might not have done, but this:

I’m honestly more disappointed and disgusted today than I was two years ago. Before, I could roll my eyes and chalk it up to stupidity or even a misguided belief that the GOP cares about the common man. Now it’s just clear that we live in a nation of racists and misogynists who live for the existential schaudenfredue

Uk person here, so pleased a lot of good happened today in the mid terms but also disappointed that there are still so many racist, xenophobic assholes voting in the Republicans. To all the amazing people that voted Democrats thank you and well done. 

one of the less noticed ones on the state level was Oregon, Kate Brown in her last week had some very bad polling and it looked like it would be close but ended winning by a decent margin, and down ballot the Dems who already held both chambers, solidified a super majority now joining California as two West Coast

It was coming. Trump hates him with a passion. Acosta is able to get his questions in, usually, and they are ones that Trump doesn’t like answering.  I am surprised that Trump hasn’t banned him from the White House yet.

Hell GWB was actually able to turn his occasional mangling of the English language into a humorous and charming character trait with his self deprecating reactions when he’d correct himself.

Drives me crazy. People misspeak all the time and it’s not a big deal. Just back it up and correct yourself. But he is so utterly incapable of admitting a mistake (or, taking a quarter of a second to consider the words coming out of his mouth) that he just needs to plow on. Who can forget the “our children’s

In his defense, the Cyrillic alphabet can be a bit difficult for non-native speakers/readers.

Very ‘yeesh’ moment.  Then when the next reporter defended Acosta’s professionalism, Trump immediately attacks the 2nd reporter.  The actions of a very stable genius, ladies and gentleman. 

He’s going to stop paying his mistresses to get them?

He was up all night ranting about the midterms, and somebody forgot to get his binky for his after lunch nap.

It’s really early to be sundowning. 

His “the fucked up word AND the correct word” speech pattern is so very him: he can’t even admit he made a simple mistake like that and has to pretend it was intentional.

“I would be very good at a low tone...”

There’s your impeachable offense of the day: Threatening to abuse his authority to try to prevent the House from exercising it’s constitutional authority of oversight.

It also took Trump all of about 15 seconds to remind us he can’t read or at least can’t quickly comprehend words he reads, saying “... the midtams... AND the midterm elections...”

My favorite part...

My only real problem with The Last Jedi is that if you are on a spaceship being chased by another spaceship it is apparently perfectly reasonable to take a tiny spaceship, go off to a far away planet, have some adventures, and then come back in time for lunch.

The most interesting parts of The Last Jedi were in concepts that no other movie in the franchise has been committed to. Let the past die, Luke’s monologue to Rey about the Jedi letting Darth Sidious come to power, Yoda talking to Luke. (Even the Canto Bight scene about the underworld getting over on the rest of the