a higher power

If they’re genuinely happy, great... but they’re making this big fuss, which you know is probably irritating those close to them on some level, and broadcasting it for the world, and the world is like:

Unless... Oh me, could Rhett be signalling? Nahhh...

They’ve played this whole thing off as so cutesy, and the media has gobbled it up. But it reeks of excess and now I’m just generally turned off.

Ok, you’re straight up trolling Qanon with that header image, and I love you for it.

With the way things are packed so red over there, is there a genuine chance of the judges preventing this?

I know it's late and you've had dozens of replies, but I just want to say, good on you for calling that opportunistic teacher out publicly. Bet that felt great.

Hopefully they can spin that in a productive direction. But she practically belongs to Satan now, so she'll probably get worse before she experiences any tremendous growth.

Know who votes for Republicans? The KKK. The Proud Boys.

I don't understand- you want to abuse nannies?

I was interested at “pre-teen Bond villain”, but maybe not so much if fairies are involved...?

My most memorable Sims family existed all thanks to Sims 4. I lost them in a hard drive malfunction, and haven't had the heart to play it since, was how great it was.

It’s always the really ugly sad-sacks that are desperate enough to ignore consent.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. It sounds vaguely similar to mine and it's sad, but I'm glad to hear time has made it easier for you.

Please, tell us some stories!

This should be higher up. Occam's razor and all that.

No matter what Bart does from here on out, it would take a Gilead-level takeover to erase the shit he (so very clearly) did.


Jez gonna Jez.

I’ve heard of the Whisperers several times, but only by name and they rarely explained what they were. And if it did look like they were going to explain them, I would keep scrolling, to avoid spoilers. Some of us are just really good at it!

Negan/JDM somehow found a way to lean even while walking.