a higher power

I struggle with this. The only problem is that I feel lonely/without a real family, especially on birthdays and holidays. Did you struggle with these issues at any point?

As sickening as the thought is, I agree with you. We will never know of a large percentage of the horrors those children have faced. The chaos surrounding the entire border since the summer has guaranteed that.

You’re an idiot

I remember arguing with a friend, who insisted Lucius was just growling.

*coughs awkwardly, a year later*

You sound like a great father.

This guy is gross on so many levels

That whole era of io9 was far beyond the average nerd blog. Charlie Jane, Annalee, Esther, Ciriaque, Ria, and of course Meredith. The professionalism, intelligence, and wit were without match (still are, if I’m being honest). Rob is still around and that’s nice, and so is George Dvorsky, but even after a near decade

This kind of crime can, and has happened, everywhere. Get real with this comment.

Good for her. How could she explain that to anybody?

On the other hand, his character is so repulsive, bringing me to near vomit several times, that I usually steer folks away.

AFAIK, they are the only two gay men on the show. I’d be more worried for them if they weren’t.

Same with Alucard and Trevor’s “fuck you”/middle finger back and forth.

Starred because yes it is a hot take

Look no further than his Power Rangers short. I loved it at the time, but now I think it's trash.

I’m so down with this.

WHY didn’t she like the show???

Last holiday season, I sat and watched every single trailer up to TLJ, and felt weepy with goosebumps all up and down my body. This confirmed to me that, however good or bad each installment is (I loved TLJ, FWIW), Star Wars is a very distinct feeling that keeps us coming back.

Elitist gamers are the ones schilling this thought, and they’ve been around since the dawn of time.

I don’t know who Moses was talking to, but it wasn't me.