a higher power

Please shut up with this morose, hopeless bullshit.

I had a really nice, well-curated Pandora account for years. I switched to Spotify in 2015, and never used Pandora again. I tried logging in recently, but don’t remember my password, and really don’t care to.

I hope her husband divorces her. No way he agrees.

I’m 99% sure she didn't personally fund the dossier

This looks dorky when you post it twice

You are addicted to bad takes

I had this exact thought. The movie doesn't need to do it. The comic didn't need to do it. I feel ill about this.


You are fiercely defending this game up and down these comments. It bears mentioning, it’s okay if people aren’t interested or don't like the game. 

Unless you have a Hulk, I fail to see what you're gonna do about it, mortal.

It’s octopodes and you damn well know it.

Because Japan.

My first thought is how is their cat so chill? Mine would yowl out of stress during the car ride, and would probably skitter away if I took her outside. I would love for her to accompany me outside but it just seems impractical all around.

I was looking for that in the trailer. It’s always a pain swapping discs on an emulator. I would love to play this on a screen bigger than my tablet also.

You don't know the rules, nobody does except the filmmakers. 

I have not heard the term "santorum" in a good while, what ever happened to him

Believe me girl I’m tryin 🙏👐

I wonder if this would make these idiots reconsider.

It’s interesting that he’s managed to cozy up to AV Club staff, considering what a vile, unkind person he is outside of the AV Club.

You’ve convinced me to wait and buy it. I'll see how things are around Thanksgiving/Christmas.