a higher power

This is how we got Kanye+Trump

He sounds just like every Russian Twitter and Disqus bot I’ve had the displeasure of coming across.

Girl. What y’all don’t think about is that I’m livin’ through this too.

Look I'm doing my best

Indeed, hypocrisy and gaslighting are their bread and butter.

Maybe the potato sack one from Westworld

No you got it wrong, they’re using DemoKKKrap now

What a terrible liar. I can’t wait for all of the REDACTED to be revealed.

Alan Wake may have been repetitive, but it was was also absorbing and atmospheric as hell. I would love a followup.

ALL PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORS IN 2016: Sir read this intelligence re: Russia hacking the DNC.

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug

He was especially shitty during the Strzok hearing last week. Seeing him in this format felt very disingenuous.