Starr Spark

It is abominable - like a weird Freudian fairytale of misogynist cultural projection - that Woody Allen’s media team successfully cast Dylan Farrow’s accusations the byproduct of her vindictive, jealous mother, as though allegations of pedophilia are just par for the course in acrimonious divorces, as though a spurned

How about we let people play games however they want?

I don’t know where the hell I’ve been that I had no idea Roseanne is a Trump supporter who tweets Breitbart shit. How can that be? Wtf is wrong with her? Fuck her and her show.

Which is weird, because the original Rosanne seemed to be more on the liberal side. I mean, she led a union-based walkout at the plant, dealt with the issue of a single mom, had a friend who was a lesbian, etc. I’m not saying all those issues makes someone a progressive, but she choose to include them in her show.

I am a huge, huge original-recipe “Roseanne” fan. I have seen every episode like 50 times. You could not pay me to watch this revival, especially with the Trumpish BS. 

Kansas Penal Code 21-5403 - The killing of a human being commited

Intentionally or unintentionally but recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life

21-3404 for involuntary manslaughter

recklessly or during the commission of or an attempt to commit any felony or misdemeanor that

False: We actually have laws for incidents involving one person convincing another person to commit murder. It’s still murder. Fuck off.

At least someone wants to take it seriously, for once:

Then the police would have to admit they’re out here murdering all the time and cannot be trusted with their trigger happy tactics.

I’m so sick of hearing about the police murdering compliant people in total absence of wrongdoing. I’m even sicker of the fact that they get away with it.

And make the little shitweasel responsible cry all the fucking way to prison.

he reached towards his waistband

Not a “prank.” Murder. You don’t call SWAT on someone unless you intend for someone to die.

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”


Fuck you.

If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.

It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny


When it comes to bad manners, could you convince Sexy to stop exploding in the console room? It makes a dreadful mess and being on fire is no picnic either.

Field testing for body cams started in 2015 for Grand Rapids police.

Here’s a thought, Chief. Try hiring smart people. For some reason, that’s something police departments don’t like to do....

I wouldn’t worry too much if I were that officer. Grand Rapids is Betsy DeVos’ home turf and I’m sure she’ll make sure the police are rewarded for their abusive actions towards children.

It’s literally also the same thing an abuser says to the abused 99% of the time.