I think it’s great Pizza Hut let their MSU graduates have the day off work to watch the game. Good on ya, Pizza Hut!
I think it’s great Pizza Hut let their MSU graduates have the day off work to watch the game. Good on ya, Pizza Hut!
It’s not his fault the strip club had a buffet.
Exactly. It’s not like Kobe is on the Warriors or Cavs or Spurs and is costing his team home court advantage. The Lakers are fucking awful. They just lost to the Sixers. Literally no other team can say that.
I don’t understand.
I fucking love it. And Kobe gets it. If you are on a horrible fucking team anyway, why not have fun? Am I supposed to believe the Lakers would be better if Kobe shot less and Roy Hibbert and Nick Young shot more?
Absolutely incredible story. Who knew there could be so much interest in a hobbit’s sex tape?
I mean, are we even sure McCown got hurt last night? That video could be old.
Fucking Sheep: Well, it’s obvious we just aren’t welcome here.
Things got more awkward later when, during a touchdown celebration, the announcer claimed the players were “fisting each other”.
Gainesville cops catch the ball, but don’t really do anything with it.
In case you weren’t sure that was dirty, targeting and leading with the head, here’s the hit from another angle.
What people fail to grasp is that this season has just been one long audition for Jerry Jones and its going brilliantly.
If you order a pizza and it comes 13 months later, make sure to just shut the fuck up and eat the pizza, OK?
“He’s my friend.”
*Every person who has had him in fantasy the last three years:
I am 100% in favor of the Oxford comma.
I don’t think all Christianity should be judged by this man and his church, any more than I think all Muslims should be judged by the actions of ISIS. But it is a good reminder that even the most familiar belief systems can be used to justify horrible actions and silence victims.
This is review is very good, I’d like to know more.