Melanin Monroe

My bad. I misread what you said. I didn’t say that Warren was definitely going to get a surge. I said it was the best play she had to ensuring that she remained viable in Iowa, thereby limiting Sanders’s ability to collect too many of her caucus goers as a second choice. That happened. Good job, me!

The real issue with Sanders you refuse to address. He had a dumb campaign strategy. Win 30% of the vote and force the convention to pick him in a brokered convention. Now there will be no brokered convention. All of you will blame the DNC, Hillary, the virus and killer clowns for Bernie’s inevitable loss. Hopefully he

Funny how Bernie folks are only talking about Jackson, when Biden has endorsements from:

Because black voters saw the way Bernie supporters and the country reacted when they voted for a woman. 

It’s not about electability. It’s about who had a greater shot of being nominated by the party: (1) The progressive insurgent who uses party identification solely as a means of getting himself elected to office and who has outward disdain for most of the members of that party, many of whom consciously blame him for

She wasn’t my candidate. I didn’t have a candidate. I don’t vote for another two weeks. I knew full well that it would be a two-person race by then and getting my hopes up over one candidate or another would have been silly.

In actuality, let’s go back on my predictions. I said that Biden was a weak frontrunner whose numbers would tank right before the voting started, opening the door for a viable moderate to take the mantle of party standard-bearer. That happened. The problem was that none of the potentially viable moderates were

So many words. I’m not trying to get you to like Warren more than you like Sanders. I’m explaining to you that it really doesn’t matter who you like. Choosing Sanders over Warren meant choosing to lose over a few minor policy distinctions over the outside potential of actually winning.

I know it’s all very frustrating for you and probably kind of difficult to comprehend. I’ve been trying to explain it to you all for months, but it’s really very simple: While Sanders polls pretty well in terms of net favorability, the truth is that way too many Democratic primary voters consciously or unconsciously

To actually dupe those black people they’d have to be not be aware that Joe Biden has a penchant for exaggeration and outright fabrication when it comes to these sorts of stories.

Once again refusing to see the proper takeaway. You should improve yourself. What political movements should shy away from is asserting that they are best thing that’s ever happened to a highly diverse, culturally pluralistic multifaceted society populated by 330 million people.

It’s really time to get past the “USA deserves x” meaning “those innocent civilians deserved death” - citizens do not equal the state. We’re still doing really reckless and perverse imperialistic things the world over and we deserve any of the damage resulting from those policies... doesn’t mean I want to see people

Except the Children’s Crusade is actually tragic whereas if Bernie gets trounced in Michigan tomorrow and the “Revolution” skips to the part where Robespierre gets decapitated before he gets to do any decapitating... watching the fallout on Twitter is going to be fucking hilarious.

But that’s the problem with sanctimony isn’t it?

Ugh this sucks. I get that they can’t edit her out of the show, as I’m sure it wouldn’t make sense, but going forward, especially in the early episodes when there are lots of queens, they really should make an effort to cut her out as much as possible. Given the timing of when this story broke, I get there was no way

Noting that the defamatory tweets were from 2009 when he was 23 years old”

Totally agree. Whenever someone talks about cancel culture run amok, it always ends up sounding to me like what they’re really just fondly reminiscing about a time when people could be publicly racist/homophobic/misogynist with no chance of being held accountable, and who, exactly, misses that?   And, really, how much

So what is his deal with Michelle Obama?  Naw man, I can’t hang with you thinking (and SAYING) stuff like that.  If we can’t hold our own folks accountable while holding everyone else to a higher standard, “we” are no better than “them”.

Bernie isn’t a Dem.

They know it’s over and now they want Trump to win again so they can be righteously indignant.