
Nothing to see here. Brandon just realized that the grass is greener in J-ville after the Dolphins signed Cutler.

Translation: He’s broke already.

Cutler hasn’t cared about football in years and was a vocal supporter of a misogynistic, racist, abrasive Presidential campaign yet there was not outcry against signing him. Kap kneeled during the national anthem to protest videos of people actually being killed by police.

Imagine the abject horror of some shlub renting a parking space and then parking his clapped out pickup truck on it. I love it when entitled dbags get their comeuppance.

So even rich people use the “it got mailed to the wrong address excuse,” as if that nullifies their obligation. Love it. I hope the parking space rent is very high.

Yeah, because fuck cyclists, amirite?

What is it about NFL owners that makes them live so long? At first I thought it was superior healthcare, but I think it’s just spite. They know how much we hate them and they figured out how to turn that hate into lifeforce.

I’d also point out that you’re making your hot dogs all wrong. First you open the bun, add the condiments you want. Then you add the dog on top of the condiments. The dog keeps the mustard and relish in the bun and off your shirt.

Can`t wait for another mazda with less than 150hp ! Oh... wait.

Even the friggin civic has a turbo now.
Go home mazda, you`re drunk.

“If I start watching now, I’ll really be invested and know the league by the time they get good. Sure, I’m not having fun now but give it time.”

See, this is the kind of thing they should really be using with the technology they have on Westworld. I would hella pay to have artificially domesticated large cat and other animals I could play with.

You know some drivers go slower than the speed limit, right?

After a month traveling in Ontario I can almost see the drivers going “yes! yes! yes!” but those speed governors on their trucks are going “no! no! no!” ;)

Beat me to it. What good is a law if it’s not enforced? The final 10 miles of my commute is infuriatingly stupid for this reason.

You know it’s possible to go 65, right?

Which is a better law, because sometimes a slow vehicle needs to pass an even slower vehicle. Which should be fine as long as they get back over once they pass.

For you yes.

They may “get it” when they’re driving in Canada. But plenty of Canadian snowbirds drive like schmucks in the left lane while wintering in Arizona.

Keeping right unless passing is actually the law in a few states. It is rarely enforced. That’s the real issue.

The problem is that most people would rather pay $7000 for a nicer used car (especially now that the used market offers significantly more efficiency than it did in 2008, thanks to CAFE), than $7000 for an Elio, I feel.