
Tesla won’t fail they’ll just be so ineptly broke they’ll have to fold anyway.

Like I’ve said before, as each day goes by it’s slowly revealed that Elon Musk is not Mark Cuban and is in fact Donald Trump.

I disagree and would say it’s a cost thing. Honestly until 2 years ago I didn’t think I could own a classic because every classic car show is an auction with a mustang going for $60k

My roomates were pumped and I said laces out! the laces were not out.

Having grown up in WI as a vikings fan this is what it’s like from GB fans except they usually retort to one syllable words while trying to keep track of their teeth that keep falling out. Still fuck this team!

He’s done. No one has come back from that injury and we used up all of our miracle juju on childbeating peterson’s knee already.

Why the hell is this being applauded? Maybe i can’t appreciate the differences but this looks like an overpriced crown vic and a poor investment choice at that.

lets talk about the fact that bill simmons is being mentioned as somehow relevant after his abomination of an HBO show. Did that thing even make it beyond episode 4?

It’s called the BBC diet. Beer, bacon, and cheese.

Same although I stopped because the articles became garbage. At least now I know why they are trash, can’t expect quality writing for free.

Here’s my issue. If he did it then he deserves punishment. If he did it, then he should have 8 games. But, if he didn’t then what Goodell is saying is that it’s a free for all to start accusing athletes that made you mad once so you can ruin their careers. 6 games over an accusation that’s not even remotely provable

I was confused on the request until I read turnkey which then makes sense. Also can we finally discuss that someone needs to just offer an older spec car. Like can we get a 2002 corolla spec car for 13k again. IDK if it’s less safe, people weren’t dying in droves in 2002 I think i’ll be okay with a few less airbags

I could agree on oil filters but I wonder if the same can be said on air filters. Like what is really the difference between wix and and OEM cabin air filter?

Yeah I now feel like jalopnik is borderline clickbaiting. The story is NOTHING of what the headline really makes it seem like. This isn’t even newsworthy apart from the idea that a working grill was actually built into the vehicle.

This is why i’m glad my state requires 2 license plates. Maybe CA should stop focusing on gun laws and start focusing on cars. Their roads are a death trap.

add that in with what it takes to produce a battery. Trust me if people actually knew what it took to make an EV they’d all go back to burning gas!

This! A drive home for me is over 360 miles one way to visit family. I’m not waiting 8 hours for an EV to charge mid trip.

30% gain in fuel efficiency without having to worry about finding a new infrastructure to refuel is still worth it. A drive to see my family is like 360 miles one way. An EV will never suit my needs because of it. Therefore the option has to involve gasoline. I refuse to drive a hybrid because you have to blow up a

The longer this guy stays in the spotlight the less he looks like Mark Cuban and more he looks like Trump

how do you think they got rich?