And this is why I like Tesla. Time to cut out the shady middlemen!
And this is why I like Tesla. Time to cut out the shady middlemen!
A+++ . Too much crap is shut down for “developments” and then its honestly laughable when they create some sort of deteriorating structure and theres a rise in “hooliganism” like wtf did you think would happens when you took away free spaces.
You forgot an option. Not have kids and stay at home! Also before anyone goes on a rant about why are you commenting on offspring if you don’t want kids, yell at Jalopnik and tell them to stop sending me crap that’s not about cars.
Exactly! we need to start emphasizing play stupid games and win stupid prizes! That’s why I respect most of the south, like in GA if you rob someone and they kill your friend during the robery and you escape then YOU get charged with murder because it was your own dumbass fault, and the owner gets applauded. Meanwhile…
I disagree. Until the police find a way to actually act on these incidents (they don’t even look into theft even when camera footage is available) then people are going to have no choice but to serve justice themselves. It’s pretty simple, we have laws and zero consequences (murder gets like 3 years and then house…
IDK why everyone’s acting like conor will be done in the 2nd. mayweather is going to run away for at least the first 10 rounds because that’s what he does. Therefore conor will last until at least round 12.
While I partially get your angst (hs jocks are usually drunken slobs by age 30) e-sports also does it to themselves by imploring stereotypes of being quintessential nerdism via locker-stuffing or cake-stuffing appearances. If e-sports wants to change how they’re viewed tell a few of them to hit the gym on a lunch…
Forget parallel parking, make it for parking period. The next a-hole who parks over the line by me is getting the side of a door slammed into their new crossover!
Literally just scolded someone about the same thing. Dude probably couldn’t work anywhere else until he got car. My hometown is completely walkable if you wanna make $10 an hour your whole life. If you wanna go anywhere you’re gonna need to drive at least 25 miles. Personally I moved 6 hours car drive away because it…
This person also probably had a limitation on job opportunities because that particular job was close and better jobs would have required a car. You can walk anywhere in my hometown but if you wanted to make over $10 an hour you’d have to drive 25 miles to the next town, so don’t get silly here, dude’s gonna need a…
I think they went slightly awry by trying it. But Volvo has always to me seemed like they’re in a niche market, they’re safe and reliable but not cloth and plastic. Volvo is volvo, and if they get back to admitting that i’ll be buying one as my next car. The s60's keep teasing me on my commute but I want a re-design…
He went back to get a ring for his hometown. He’s going to LA next (clippers or lakers) to focus on his film dreams post NBA. I don’t see him playing till he can’t play. I see him playing till like 35 and walking
I don’t think that’s it at all. He just wanted to get paid like he deserved no matter what bs it entitled from Gilbert. The whole league realizes that the it’s about to be a fire sale in Cleveland after this year (which is also why I find it funny that people are demanding the lakers trade for Paul George now). Why?…
As a lakers fan who absolutely hate’s Ball, if we’re stupid enough to take him then please yes get Fox and then I can laugh when he eats Balls ass up for the next 4 seasons while I laugh at the abysmal failure that the lakers have become since the passing of Dr. Buss.
used them once in MN. got a miscellaneous $60 charge that i had to dispute via Paypal (thank god for paypal) that i luckily got back. I’ll never use their crap service again. Their stupid app couldn’t even get my location correct.
I’m more surprised China isn’t selling in the US market. Honestly i hate 90% of the add on features cars have. Things i need is a car that gets decent gas mileage, has a radio, won’t blow up. Things I don’t need, infotainment, backup cameras, moonroofs, leather wrapped steering wheels, leather covered dashboards,…
you do realize that places like Kia actually get parts from NK right?
spoken like a true liberal. God forbid you people take any responsibility for your own actions. One can only hope we just remove warning labels soon and let your morons sort yourselves out through Darwinism.
Pretty much. Then we can go into the constant discussion about how it’s embarrassing that we have some of the world greatest athletes and one of the most lackluster teams (both true) along with pointless stupid commentary on why its surprising we cant take those athletes (other sports pay better) and get a team that…
exactly! This is nearing several deaths a year territory now. What’s worse is the coaches keep their jobs.