I wanted to argue until I started commuting in my Lancer as of late. holy hell does the CVT make me wanna jerk the wheel and hit the median in an effort to end everything.
I wanted to argue until I started commuting in my Lancer as of late. holy hell does the CVT make me wanna jerk the wheel and hit the median in an effort to end everything.
GM is on my list for being garbage. Ever since the early 1990 silverados went bye bye so has the quality on any vehicle of theirs I’ve had experience.
Spot on! It seems like less of a change to benefit the company other than a hopeful $3 a share stock boost, probably at the compromise of newer, shittier cars coming back.
It’s not that I care that he’s not CEO, I just cant support buying products from a company who has no semblance of what identity they want. Their firing him just displays a level of incompetence of they wanted change for change sake, and until they can prove it was for reasons that are beneficial, i as a consumer…
translation: “We have no idea what we are doing but the board voted that we needed to do something immediate for the sake of doing something”
Sounds like they’re mad that people can’t afford their $45,000 F150 so you can bet they’ll jack it up to $65,000 next year. They’ll also probably kill the focus and fusion and bring back the contour.
exactly! I wouldn’t mind an old beater truck for $1500. For the price he’s asking I might as well keep saving and just import a GTR
Always get the Skyline, because with a 50k budget if you suddenly don’t think it’s worth it as a DD you still have 25k to get a boring DD and keep the skyline
Can someone tell me what the Stateis means? Did he mean to say status?
Anyone can own stock, not anyone can own enough stock to significantly impact their life. Unless you can dump 200k into the stocks your returns will be a couple grand at best, meanwhile the companies themselves can underpay each employee by 10k because “stocks.” if you can’t see that, then you’re just as bad.
The problem is we have a do nothing generation of parents that let to an already dickheaded generation that doesn’t realize actions have consequences so it’s being overcompensated by now having the government parent kids, i.e. charge the eff out of them and send em to jail.
I should have edited it as we can’t get decent models at an affordable price anymore if you were a sucker like me and owe a mitsubishi evo’s worth of student loan debt.
Think about it, the people who have 51k to blow on a car aren’t going to care if it’s legal. This is the equivalent of buying a big mac for them, if they can use it for a while then awesome, if it gets confiscated, they didn’t import it, they only bought it, therefore they wont care. The real crimes here are the fact…
This is the whole economic problem we have in the first place and what makes the argument over minimum wage vs tax breaks pointless. At the end of the day, the workers won’t be paid because the CEO just wants profits to go to stock holders, not an increase in wage. The only way to fix it would be to put a cap on how…
He did this in Memphis!? Dudes lucky he didn’t get shot already trying to mug someone.
You’re forgetting one key factor, lifetime of accomplishment. If you compare someone who always pays cash to someone who always finances, the person who always pays cash, if they invest their % of savings will end up with a significant amount more based on total savings + investment earnings. However yes, if you buy a…
WOW! The complete ineptitude in this comment is mind boggling. I had 3k trade in and 3k down on my last car and it had nothing to do credit. it had to do with what i was willing to do for a monthly payment, and my expectation of how long a loan I’d be willing to have. Not everyone decides to be 96 month tacoma guy,…
It’s not about if your drive is boring it’s about how boring your car is to drive. It’s pretty pathetic that for as much negative feedback there is on the lancer’s dull interior (which it as dull compared to cars that came out in 2008) that it’s interior is now better than what toyota is cranking out. I will never get…
They can’t even successfully make their boring cars less boring. They took the corolla, stripped out the interior to the point it’s complete rubbish, put a soft dash in and a giant screen to try to take your attention away from the fact that the inside has less features than a movie theatre seat, and then put on some…