
The CRJ200 is not “weak”. It’s just not very large. Hence a few passengers make a relatively big difference to weight and balance. It isn’t normally that you have to offload some pax and/or bags. You just have to move people about in order to bring the center of gravity within tolerable limits.

Just to be clear, in North America, domestic flights typically have economy (“coach”) and first, with no business class. The seat standard that is called first in North America would typically be called something like “regional business” in the rest of the world. A bigger, more comfortable seat but no lie flat or the

While there have been some extremely rare cases of interference, phones not on airplane mode are not something pilots worry about. Many airlines offer in flight Internet service, which certainly means phones devices will be transmitting.

(787s, in particular, because of material incorporated for their structural integrity)

Haley Joel Osment was in Futureman, an entirely different, but also awesome, scifi show.


an aircraft collision avoidance system—a bit of gear usually used in airplanes to help them avoid hitting other airplanes.

I think the kosher spelling is “beltalowda”, but given the language seems somewhat lacking in formal structure, that might not be set in stone.

I don’t know about “few people”. I can only speak for myself, but that’s the size of glass I’d expect to use for a decent red. Even IKEA sells them.

Over Bluetooth? Our manuals and such update over WiFi.

I walked into a showing of The Death of Stalin on a whim when I had a few hours to kill on a trip. I’d never heard of the film before I saw the poster. Damned near peed my pants laughing.


Your username. Genius...

Agreed. And it doesn’t seem nearly as bad as World of Warcraft during the first few weeks.

Thanks for the flashbacks. Marky Mark’s speech pattern in interviews was cringeworthy.

FADEC is bloody magic. :)

Headrest grabbers are the worst...

Like, subzero...?

Long answer follows...