
Different authors write at different speeds. However, most agree that you should try to write consistently, on a schedule, just like any other job. Whether you write 500 or 5000 words a day is not the important thing. Actually writing consistently every day is the important thing.

Bonus points for reference.

Parsing your example statement, it says “10x faster”, so you are giving people a metric of sorts. Not just stating the name of the processor as if it would mean something to most people by itself.

My point was that relatively few people care about the actual model number or specific speed of the processor. They just care if their apps run at a good speed. Apple advertising tends to be more focused on the experience while many other vendors still focus on numbers which mean little to most people. 

That is indeed an important metric.

Agreed. A lot of my techie friends harp on about the fact that their Android phones have more features. But I just like my iPhone. I don’t have to have all those features.

For me, OLED was a game-changer. As my eyesight is slowly deteriorating with age, I find that I can read the OLED screen on an iPhone Xs much better than the LCD on an iPhone Xr.

Very different settings I would say. Flash Gordon has a strong fantasy vibe, whilst Buck Rogers is set in a more science fictional universe.

That Lamborghini pronunciation was choice. :)

The demonstrations began roughly 10 weeks ago, originally as a protest against a proposed law that would have made it easier for citizens in Hong Kong to be extradited to mainland China. The law has not been introduced, but there are still major concerns in Hong Kong about the future of the Chinese government’s


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Except they couldn’t. Faking it would have been impossible for multiple reasons, not the least of which is that no one of the hundreds of thousands of people working on the Apollo program ever talked about it being faked.

Every airliner has “quirks”. However a properly implemented control system will “fail safe”, not act like MCAS.

The aircraft is inherently stable. But not in the entire flight envelope. The MD-90 has similar divergence characteristics at high angles of attack, which is why it has additional control surface on the engine pylons.

Your thesis has repeatedly been refuted by investigators...

There is plenty enough trim authority. However, you must have properly working sensors, feeding computers that can vote out bad data.

The MAX is not inherently unstable. If it was, it would not have been certified.

Modern aircraft are undeniably safer. Properly implemented envelope protection is a game changer. Improperly implemented as with MCAS, it is a massive problem.

The elevator in an airliner is far smaller than the stabiliser. The latter is used for trim. The stabiliser will win every time.

Rookie mistake. Experienced cheaters know to always discard illicit sex condoms off the property.