
I’m rated on the A330 and A350. The A320 is very similar to the A330 in many ways. Almost identical cockpits and flight control logic, for one thing.

Yes and no.

As I said, fully automated airliner flight is certainly possible, but we are a long way from it being practical in mass application. It’s just too much of a leap in terms of investment to make it worth implementing such a system in short order.

What makes you think that most of what a pilot does is taxiing and entering/exiting the terminal area? Just to name a few things, we also do fuel planning, dealing with engineers, setting up the aircraft, planning and monitoring the descent profile, rerouting in flight, avoiding weather, ATC communications, and many,

If the pilot is actually alert and the system automatically activates in error, he/she can just deactivate it.

2D transportation with cars, lorries and buses involves orders of magnitude more traffic, far greater condition uncertainty, and a far lower average level of competence on the part of the operators.

The majority of general aviation planes have neither weather radar nor traffic collision avoidance systems

Most overhead bins have a grab rail along the bottom for the specific purpose of stabilising yourself in turbulence. I wish more people knew about this.

I always take my shoes off. I keep my socks on, however.

“If the person sitting in front of you on a flight reclines their seat all the way back and leaves you with no room, turn on the air con above you to full blast and point it at the top of their head,” u/medievilmusician writes.

IMHO it is not mediocre at all. It’s a perfectly charming movie and good fun. As Zombie movies and TV shows go, I’d much rather rewatch this than World War Z or The Walking Dead.

A dinner he cooked himself!

Fair play.

Stainless Steel Rat reference? Well played.

The Aussies win this game by a mile. Not making any of these up...

This is why I use incognito mode more and more frequently.

Noted environmentalist James Francis Cameron has a Venezuelan frog species named after him, while lesser talent Steven Spielberg does not.

The capital S in “Sadly” made me very confused about this sentence, especially as it came just after the line break on my browser.

I do agree that zombie books and movies in general have people doing stupid things for plot reasons. This is different from doing stupid things because they are a) inept or b) make a mistake.

That t-shirt seems bit bland for His Waititiness.... ;)