
While most people seem to pre-rinse, it is not necessary, and wastes both time and water. Just scrape the scraps into the bin, then put the dirty plate/glass/fork in the machine. As long as you’ve loaded it more or less correctly, the grease, gravy and so on will disappear as if by magic.

I’ll bet 99% of the injuries on this list were directly preceded by someone yelling “HEY, CHECK THIS OUT!”

Hopefully Will.

Revenger was indeed cool. And weird. But weird in a cool way.

At this point, most probably yes. But this assumes SLS is a program driven by requirements beyond being a massive pork cannon. Which it isn’t.

I’m laughing so hard right now...

Quite. It is terrible because Chinese and Japanese grammar are are so very different from Indoeuropean grammar. I find myself “degrammatising” English as much as possible when inputting in Google Translate. Unless you’re trying for advanced communication, a few words are normally enough to get your points across.

Living and traveling around Asia, Google Translate is a godsend. Finding specific grocery items in a Japanese supermarket without being able to read Kanji or Hiragana is hard... Until you whip out your phone and humbly beg for help...

Natasha, off in Asia

I tend to like “European” style games, where no one is eliminated.

Two pots = more washing up. ;)

The idea of letting little kids “demand different pasta shapes” makes my head hurt.

I know this article is about gyms specifically, but I’d like to make a shout-out to the “not the gym” alternatives of exercise. I know “going to the gym” has become synonymous with “getting and staying in shape”, but I think that message does many people a disservice. Specifically those people, like myself, who

True dat. The bum gun is an essential bathroom accessory. No need for a fancy japanese toilet seat either.

polite by US airline standards...

A plastic bag levy was introduced in HK some years ago and it was a great thing. Also, and contrary to many predictions, the sky did not fall. ;)

Unfortunately, the “shitty wooden ones” are just as endemic in east and southeast Asia as they are in the West.

I do like Grammarly, but unfortunately it is unusable with Kinja. It keeps shooting the cursor back to the beginning of a post you are writing.

Speaking as someone who has lived in China for over a decade, this stuff is scary to me, even if doesn’t currently seem to have the potential to affect me or my family.