
In Chinese culture, perception is everything. As long as a business can project the perception of being fine, it “is” fine.

“American interaction with China has been undermined by a level of obsequiousness to China’s face and demands. This is the result of the West understanding China, but fearing the appearance of cultural insensitivity at home and to the world at large.”

I love the Stratos. So very focused on doing one thing right at the expense of all else.

All the stars...

Quite, because A Knight’s Tale didn’t take itself too seriously.

If we see Croft at the multiplex again, she’ll probably be played by someone new—and maybe, like the two before her, a budding movie star chasing a recent Best Supporting Actress win with a paycheck blockbuster gig.

but it was also the first Jack Ryan movie to more or less flop, sending the property to TV for yet another Young Jack Ryan story, now starring John Krasinski.

Over and over and over...

To be fair, that first rat is one of the toughest level bosses in the entire Fallout series. ;)

As usual, I was hoping for a Monster Hunter International movie.

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Kudos to Rocket Lab for the clever joke in the mission name.

Haha. Perfect. And so true!

Shoutout to Buttsmithy. Elves and halflings and a young girl seeking her destiny... And lots of saucy sex... Oh my...

Fun fact: If you remove the “j” you get “hölster”, which is Swedish for holster.

I have two iPads.

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This article popped up in my suggestions the day after I watched the Curious Droid episode on the this same topic...

Skylon is very cool.

Fun facts: