
A fantastic movie indeed.

Do read the Pippi books. Even in translation most anything by Astrid Lindgren is a treasure. She was an amazing author, woman, and all-around human being. So insightful and clever but at the same time playful and whimsical. That one person pretty much all Swedes would agree was the embodiment of everything good in the

Going through a security check for transfers is very common nowadays. Efficient transfer checks are... less common.

I’m not disagreeing, but I think it is unfair and somewhat counterproductive to single out air travel, since it is more efficient fuel wise per passenger mile.

The population is stabilising. Growth has been slowing for decades. It may take another hundred years to stop growing, however. Estimates range around a 10-12 billion peak.

The Weyerhaeuser company is one of the world’s largest owners of timber forests.

Sure, but going with the assumption that these people will travel anyway, the carbon footprint will be lower than for a trip with a stop.

The 787-9 falls short on range, but with a payload hit could probably do the route. It is not quite as large either.

Soooo. The world outside of North American doesn’t exist? ;)

That’s terrible. Have your damned star.

This... So much this...


Now playing

And for those of us getting “Video not available in your country.”

IIRC, any tape that sits in any car stereo for more than a fortnight turns into Best of Queen.

She was nowhere near that explicitly awesome in the books. Her role was also smaller.

You haven’t met those of my countrymen who don’t understand the correlation between tax revenue and “free” services from the government. ;)