
Air inside the cabin is recycled every two minutes to make flyers more comfortable and cut down on the effects of jet lag, Airbus claims.

We do 15+ hour flights with our “non-ULR” 350s. 270+ passengers. The waste tanks handle it fine.

We routinely do 15-hour flights in our non-ULR 350s with 270+ passengers. The waste tanks are fine.

The one bright spot in an otherwise terrible movie. :)

We still do the occasional take-off with packs off for performance reasons. Hot weather, short runway and high weight all have an effect.

Poo and pee are not dumped in flight. 

In my experience, a 1h35m connection at HKG shouldn’t really require any rushing. Was there a long line at transfers?

US domestic carriers call it first class, but seat-wise it is more like what most Asian or European carriers would call “regional business”. Nowhere near business class on BA, CX or SQ, and miles from international first class.

Well played. Very well played indeed.

If nothing else, it’s a lot more interesting than looking at the Google Search page every time you launch a new tab.

Eh. I enjoyed Ready Player One, just like I adore the book.

3a. You can now use a third-party password manager like LastPass in an integrated fashion. Love it!

AFAIK a hovercraft is built to float even with the engines off, but not as well as a boat.

True, but I think you’d run out of mass capability before you ran out of space so what’s the point?

Here’s the full list of countries where the game currently cannot be sold: Japan, Malaysia, Botswana, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Bangladesh, China, Lebanon, South Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Iceland, Ukraine, Russia, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Guyana, Iraq, Dubai,

Mr. Musk has stated he would like to go to Mars, but not be the first. I’ll keep assuming it will be the same for this voyage. 

Half the lengths is tankage, so shuttle style doors would only extend a relatively short distance. :)

That artist depiction is incorrect - there is no vertical stabilizer fin - there is a small delta wing/lifting body design for aerobreaking and minor stability for re-entry but that’s about it. It does not extend past the engines, and there is a set of landing legs that can support the craft in the vertical position.

The camera and OLED screen on the X are way better than the 8, and I think the comparison carries through to Xs vs Xr.

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