
If memory serves, it isn’t still running. The short story doesn’t mention a predicted burn length. Can’t remember the book references.

After his death, his wife found the notes and blueprints for the drive on Epstein’s computer.


Fair dinkum.

I would argue that reading The Churn after book 2 or 3 might be better, despite breaking strict chronology. I think Amos works better if he has a mysterious background at first, and then you fill out some of that.

If you think Madrid’s public transport system is good, and I don’t deny that it is , places like Tokyo or Hong Kong will blow your mind. ;)

But while each of these characters is interesting, none of them make sense as the “Big Bad” of the show or the season, at least not in the usual sense of the term. There isn’t one single human menace in control of everything, just as there isn’t one person who can be defeated in order to restore balance to the

Really, though, pretty much everyone in the episode gets a chance to have some sort of emotional apotheosis, apart from Avasarala, who largely stays sidelined and has to settle for having Holden dump Mao in front of her.

The misconstrued “zombies in space” thing did indeed turn off some of my friends from reading. They’re not actually zombies in the traditional sense. They just have a zombie-like effect on their environment, at least initially.

The authors have mentioned in an interview that the book characters and TV show characters are close, but not 1:1 equivalents. “Except Shohreh Aghdashloo. She IS Avasarala in our minds now.”

Shout-out to the BBC docudrama “Space Odyssey - A Journey to the Planets”? Defying Gravity stole borrowed heavily from it.

While testing what became known as the Epstein Drive in his private yacht, Solomon Epstein was pinned into his seat and unable to shut the drive off. He passed out and eventually died. The ship continued accelerating at 7G for 37 hours.

The Queen of Great Britain is not an umbrella title comprising several sub-titles such as “Queen of England”. Wales became a part of the Kingdom of England in the 13th Century. Then the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland merged in 1707.

A somewhat similar theme is used by Tim Dodd, the “Everyday Astronaut”. His pictures are great, and his YouTube channel with rocketry talks is well worth watching if you’re into pointy things hurled towards space.

Agreed. Deep Water Bay is the closest beach to downtown. We don’t need massive building blocks everywhere.

I’m not disagreeing with the rezoning of golf courses. Land suitable for building in HK is scarce. (HK is very mountainous so much of the land is unsuitable for housing.) However there is a not insignificant supply of disused industrial land and farmland to build on. Maybe start with that? For that matter, there are

You might be staying in the country for a couple of months. It makes things much simpler when you exit the country if your passport is still valid at that time.


You can fly direct to both Alaska and Hawaii from the US mainland...