
I don’t think you can use a transit visa for a work visit. It’s just for a short tourist jaunt while transiting. 

You don’t have to visit the consulate/embassy if you hire an agency to do the work.

It’s not that hard nowadays. Takes 4-5 days to get a visa normally if you have access to an Embassy or Consulate. For a business visa you need a letter from the Chinese company.

Shenzhen also has a separate visa policy. Way easier than the normal Mainland Visa.


I’ve you spend any significant time in East Asia you learn that dragonfruit is good for decoration or filler, and nothing else... It seems to lack any flavour.

“We call it the Andrex* Premiership**. Soft and overly expensive.”
Lawrence Dallaglio (Former England Rugby Captain)

Not quite histories of covers, but the fabulous Terran Trade Authority series of coffee table books “borrowed” many brilliant examples of art used for SF covers and wove a consistent setting and story around the scenes depicted.

Yes. And more Peter Elson. ;)

Something like that... ;)

A return ticket is not an iron clad requirement.

Yes. Exactly.

The completionist impulse is an even worse yoke with book series that start with 5-6 amazing novels and then gradually generate into a grotesque morass of infodumps and boring meetings.

The vast majority of users have neither that level of insight into functionality, nor the discipline to use such a feature.

I guess it’s one of those non-US things. In most of the world shoes come off when you get inside the door.

The first Murderbot nove, All Systems Red, wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t great either. A bit too concerned with hanging plot points on tech and then having to explain why the tech affected the plot just so.

It’s in a secret location. ;)

It’s an ERJ-145. Only one FA.

It’s an ERJ-145. Only one FA.