
I had no idea, “you know what I’m saying?” could be pronounced like that...

My Star Wars favourite story is not so much mine as one about cultural impact. Check out this Star Wars themed magazine cover, dated April 19, 1982.

My employer regularly tests for drugs so I can pretty much guarantee I’m not on drugs, cheap or otherwise... ;)

Bummer. That’s always the issue with free stuff. Either it’s awesome like Emby or it’s awesome for a while and then dies....

Neat. How is it with updates and support?

My €0.02: Windows 10 is better than Vista through 8.

Random stuff built by random British buggers in their garages. ;)

What you did there... I see it.

While Lightice’s point about extra prep due to a photo session that day is well taken, it might not take as long as all that.

Best to Mike. I’ve read some great stuff he’s written.

Came for this. Left satisfied.

Definitely don’t start from season 3. That would be like starting GoT from season 3...

“Only when the little diagram shows two people.”

Planes are designed to withstand absurd levels of failure. We don’t really worry about engine failure/explosion. It’s not a trivial matter and we train for it but it won’t kill us unless there are some extremely unlikely circumstances.

In the pilot profession, taking Xanax on a flight is somewhat frowned upon...

I’ll grant your point but not all of us have thousands of hours. Yet... ;)

Auto racing at the top levels (Nascar, F1) requires tremendous physical exertion. Those guys (and gals) have to train super hard just to make it through a race.

Fair point.

Motion sickness is in large part due to current technology not being accurate enough to fool the brain. Lag, limited field of vision and so forth contribute.

The book explains the wall-to-wall eighties nostalgia thing in more detail than the movie. Halliday was obsessed with eighties pop culture. The key (heh...) to winning the contest is understanding Halliday, which in large part means understanding and knowing the eighties. Given the extremely high stakes involved,