
In comic book form, something like this...

Danish Girl, best part of The Man from UNCLE, oscar noms, shit like that.

More stories, more stories please!

There’s being sensitive and there’s smell that pervades several seat rows. If you get the occasional whiff, whatever. But I’ve had instances where it was horrific. And it wasn’t just me. I asked the rest of the crew...

I’m certainly not suggesting someone swim upstream and hold up proceedings.

You can easily go to the lav without blocking boarding. Go “with the flow” to the toilets at the back. Once done with your business, wait until boarding is almost complete. Then make your way back to your seat.

I imagine the process involves:

Fair dinkum.

That’s an interesting wrinkle I’ve never thought about. :)

As I mentioned before, if I go to the toilet during boarding I make sure I don’t hold up boarding.

No kidding. Those carts are monstrously heavy when loaded. It is a physicall more demanding job than it looks. Heavy lifting and lots of bending down to get stuff in a cramped galley. Then there’s the fact that you have to be presentable and service minded the whole time.

If you are flying “staff” the policy, at least at my airline, is that you specifically should not draw attention to yourself.

They do indeed brag, which is why company policy says something like “do not draw attention to the fact that you are on a discounted fare.”

Normally, no one knows when you are on concessionary travel. You are specifically asked not to draw attention to yourself.

If you have enough money, alcohol and nudity are allowed in the UAE.

Never thought of it that way. As for the “real purpose” I have no idea really. The sign comes with the toilet that comes with the plane. It’s not exactly flight critical equipment so it doesn’t pop up in my manuals.

Saw that post. Just the right mix of awful and funny.

Some airlines do.

Gross BO is bad because it is hard to get away from. A shitty toilet at least can be closed off and hopefully the smell won’t travel that much. You can’t get a garden hose and wash off Mr. Smelly...

I am not brave enough to be a flight attendant. They have to deal with passengers and smile at the same time. Don’t get me wrong, 99.9% of passengers are basically decent people. And then you have the shotgun style shitters who calmly walk back to their seats with a placid expression, leaving a Jackson Pollock style