
I guess we’ll agree to disagree on the etiquette of aircraft toilet use.

If memory serves Singapore Changi airport does a security and boarding pass check close to the gate and put you in a pre-boarding area, often without toilets.

A small bottle of air freshener spray might be good to pack too.

Fun fact: spraying air freshener can trigger the smoke warning. Good times all around as the master warning bell goes off in the cockpit.

A toilet is a toilet. Also many gates don’t have toilets in the vicinity, particularly if you have secondary checks that put you in a pre-boarding area.

I don’t see the difference between using the toilet during boarding or in flight. If you’re not in anyone’s way, as in blocking the aisle or trying to swim against the flow, just use the bathroom.

That’s a bit different. If the plane is taxiing, obviously stay in your seat. If boarding is still in progress, however, I don’t see a problem with it as long as you’re not blocking the aisle.

Having the aircraft as my workplace means that my colleagues and I have seen see some weird shit (heh...) involving toilets. Oh my the stories...

HAHA awesome.

I don’t understand the problem with going during boarding. It is a toilet so please let me use it.

I must disagree. I have met this “no one” you speak of many times. Not only cartoons but graphic novels...

Book 2 comes out on Tuesday!!!

I always had a soft spot for this one.

Screwtops do not fix the drip.

A bit of a mess at a Chinese meal means that it has been a good event, so fixing the teapot would be counterproductive. ;)

I have never worked in either the wine or hospitality industries, but my dad taught me this when I was a kid. I thought everyone knew this.

Interesting, thx.

Ideally, location information would be piggybacked on an emergency call, transparently to the user.

My thoughts too - I assumed that they could get your approximate location when you called. I guess that’s not the case?

Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge too. Also, it’s freaking 2017, my GPS can lock in on me in 2 seconds flat, how is it that 911 can’t do it?