

That is indeed a bit of a challenge, but you learn to tough it out. :)

I love sleeping naked in the winter. A massive down duvet and chilly in the room makes for fantastic sleep.

Maybe I’m just being Scandinavian in my sensitivities, but our kids seeing us naked is not a problem. We’re not nudists by any means but casual nudity is unremarkably common in my house.

Taika Waititi?!? I’m in.

Resources were limited: anything they needed, they had to bring into the dome with them at the outset, right down to duct tape.

Tea all over the monitor. Thanks. ;)

But if you love the burn of spicy food and want to intensify the flavor of your meal, a glass of wine can compliment it well.

Have you every traveled all over your town looking for a toy or something similar?

Very true. I did find it interesting, but there wasn’t much about the mechanics actual journey.

I find it interesting how much this novel polarizes fans. The flaws in the novel are obvious, but I’ve read it twice now and I still love it.

My impression is that more modern wings have actually gone back to being stiffer due to carbon fibre construction. They bend, but they don’t seem to flap as much.

Having read Hadfield’s book, I get the impression that in private he is just as stereotypically Canadian as his public persona. Polite, soft spoken and never profane.

Sounds very similar to a prop runaway on a plane. One of the less fun problems you can have in a turboprop. As you say you want to twist the blades to coarse pitch in such cases in order to get as much torque as possible. Blades departing the hub and hitting the fuselage will ruin your whole day.

It’s way simpler to use traditional methods for this. Like keeping the grass at a reasonable length, and using bird scarers. Yes, that is a job.

Speaking as a pilot, I don’t know whether to laugh or just be scared. ;)

Counterpoint: Chris Hadfield said of The Martian that Weir had nailed the feeling of being an astronaut.

Truth. Sawyer is passable at best.