
I really dislike the taste of capers, but I don’t mind them in food as long as I can set them aside.

For a moment there I thought you were correcting his spelling, then spelling it the same way.

Warning: rant ahead.

You are everything right with the readership. I gave up on the main series a while ago, when the datadumps and endless meetings started making my eyes bleed from terminal boredom.

COTD for you.

You’ll note that I said “HK cannot be thought of as a Chinese city like any other”.

China and Hong Kong are indeed “One Country”.

Agreed. Or rather Ned was smart but only within a certain narrow context. He was just fine in the North but he had a hard time understanding people who were not as honorable as he.

Most of Kowloon was ceded to the British in 1860, and as such is very much considered part of Hong Kong, during both Crown Colony and Special Administrative Region eras.

ICC is on the other side, and already in the poster. I meant there’s already a perfectly serviceable supertall skyscraper on the coastline, so why bother ‘shopping one in.

No. All you see in the picture (apart from Pearl Tower) is Hong Kong territory. Of course, HK is a region of China.

Now playing

Given “One country, two Systems”, the situation is rather complex. The PRC has sovereignty over Hong Kong, but HK has its own independent government, which controls everything except foreign policy and defense. (Ok, so in reality things are more complicated, but anyway...)

No need to photoshop one in then. There is a lovely and huge building close to that position already: Two IFC. The entire foreground coastline had been shifted east a couple km though so it is not visible.


You would, but apparently you and I are both optimists. Shanghai is all wrong as well.

Except it’s not Shanghai. It is HK with Shanghai’s Pearl Tower added.


Any industry where you can count on a large supply of passionate young individuals is going to heartlessly exploit the hell out of its workforce. Because they know that a lot of them will do whatever it takes for the sake of getting to do what they love, and those that don’t can be quickly and easily replaced with