
Stuntmen run risks, but those risks are calculated and minimized.

I’d say a real foodie would steer well clear of such monstrosities...

The omelet is the hardest sushi to make, apparently.

Just because it is in the tropics doesn’t mean the climate is stereotypically tropical. Climate is more complex than that. Like many cities in the tropics, Rio does have seasons, differentiated by varying rainfall and temperature. Another example is Hong Kong, also in the tropics, and also with seasons.

My favourite is...

hoplitodromos, a diaulos with the runners wearing a helmet and greaves and carrying a shield, the armor weighing more than 50 pounds.

My wife says the same. Makes sense too. Just start slow, please. ;)

By the way I’ll add my “I don’t want to sound like a prick” statement to the following comments. I want to helpful and I don’t mean to be condescending. So for the record I agree with lostEngineer, Asraiil and Ravenous Sophovore on the PT.

I own one. It wasn’t any more expensive than a non-3D equivalent when I bought it 5-6 years ago.


Radio communications are sometimes impacted. Over the horizon radio becomes difficult. When airplanes are flying over the poles, the only way they communicate with control centers is high frequency radio waves bouncing over the continents. But it’s just a temporary difficulty lasting ten minutes to hours at the most.


As they get more drunk, perhaps?

The first season of SG-1 is fine but things drag a bit. Also the music is not the best IMHO. Far too orchestral.

There is much better stuff to come!

SG-1 comes into its own in the middle seasons, when it strikes a good balance between awesome and self-deprecating. The range between silly but fun stuff like “Wormhole

I now have cramps from laughing so hard...