
You aren’t getting any oxygen so at a certain point your performance may drop off.

Don’t forget the Gawkers... ;)

To expand that, while a zombie plague affecting 99% of the population would mean a breakdown of civilization for a period of time, it would be contained in certain places. Or rather, the uninfected would be able to curtain themselves off for a time.

Well done. I’ve tried for years to get a six pack. I exercise quite a bit but I just love food and wine too much to achieve the requisite body fat percentage for a six pack. :)

My kids are in school. If they’re not in school I often drag them out on a hike, or go to a pool with them or something.

Haha true. When I do outdoor fitness we often sprint past an indoor studio with people elongated in various odd poses.

There are two factors to enjoyment, I think. One is enjoying the exercise itself. The other is enjoying the ambiance including any workout mates. I enjoy hiking alone and also with friends. I love outdoor exercise classes partly because I do them with people I like hanging out with.

No worries.

Good point! I haven’t included that. However it should if anything be beneficial to the comparison. :)

Fair dinkum, but in your initial post you seem to be saying that you need to go to the gym to exercise.

I can only speak from personal experience but I’ve always felt less stressed when I ate less and exercised more.


Gyms are not the only form of exercise. That’s just what gym owners want you to think.

Your personal observations are not statistics.


Life spans may not increase drastically on average for those who exercise regularly, but quality of life will, especially in old age.