
The researchers also observed that untrained typists spent about twice as much time gazing at their fingers instead of the screen, which affected their ability to do complex editing tasks.

I don’t think that’s the problem. In the computer era, people tend to rest their wrists on the desk or keyboard rest, and use the little feet to lift the back of the keyboard up. This means the wrist is sharply bent, with quite a bit of muscle strain the keep it up.


Certainly. But unless something is offensive sometimes I doubt it can make good humor.

There used to be a great blog post on We Are the Mighty detailing 79 inaccuracies. Sadly it seems to have been taken down.

I’ve seen arguments both ways on the digestive system and the insulin bit with regards to fasting. The science doesn’t seem entirely in place.

Indeed. The Shuttle had so many design issues it should never have been built, not least given the separation in case of accident problem. You also have the asymmetric thrust line, the high empty weight of the orbiter which eats into payload capacity, the massive and brittle heatshield.

I’m getting more a cookie vibe but I can work with Sun Chip.

There. Fixed it for you...

Wow. Thanks for sharing that. I hope you can find the method for you. I am certain there is none.

There are many ways to skin this cat. As long as you eat a healthy diet, exercise at least a few times a week and eat fewer calories than you consume you will lose weight in a healthy way.

That’s part of the issue: there’s no reason that those fast-talking comedic sidekicks have to be male. Most of them aren’t even human!

Haha my thoughts exactly!

Total Commander is great, but most users neither need nor know how to wield a tool that powerful. TeraCopy is very simple and transparent, thence much of its appeal.

In my opinion, the biggest advantage is that if you start several copy jobs it will sequence them instead of trying to run them all at once. You can also pause and resume, and it is even clever enough to let small copy jobs run while you are running big ones since they will be done quickly. The logic being that you’re

I don’t think it wouldn’t really prove anything to these people. Airliners ideally fly great circles, which is the shortest distance along the surface of the Earth (ok, above it but you take my point)*. So we do fly “straight lines”. The navigation equipment just shows a straight line between waypoints. While we are