
Has this doctor actually tried walking/running up said inclines? ;)

Not really. Dress shoes can be unconfortable, unless you’ve worn the right dress shoes. Hint: It’s not the cheap ones...

I have noticed that there are many wannabes trying to emulate Zhou’s style on YouTube. For better or worse, his cinematic rhythm and the cadence of his commentary seem to be hard things to imitate.

Hang on George. You said:

One of these two knows how to dress with style...

You mean James Bond?

And it helps is she looks like Troi... ;)

If your drink is still in the glass, less than 20 feet. If your drink is outside your glass, maybe 30-60 feet.

Light aircraft typically have less redundancy, pilots who have less training and a lack of the strict operational framework in place at airlines. It’s a given that there will be more accidents.

the oft-cited cases was way back in 1966, when extreme turbulence tore apart a Boeing 707 near Mt. Fuji in Japan, in which the pilot supposedlyflew closer to the mountain for a better view. Winds hit 140 miles per hour, tragically killing all aboard.

Warning: Nitpicking with no clear resolution ahead.

Or perhaps a flock of its own?

As a demonstration of basic aerodynamics, that was very cool.

In the hands of The Expanse, her discovery and reveal of that information does avert a war. But it also comes at the price of destroying her long-term friendship with the Martian ambassador. Their final talk is heartbreaking.

If memory serves, Shafer had described it elsewhere as having structural limits comparable to those of an airliner.

The Russian answer was the MiG-25 Foxbat. The Foxhound is the MiG-25’s (slower) successor, the MiG-31.

Correct. There was no way to seal the tanks on the ground. Once the plane heated up, the metal would expand and the tanks would seal.

Third restriction would have to do with emergency descent time after depressurization. This would probably apply but since the pilots are in pressure suits they’d have ample time so it wouldn’t be restrictive.

Seems to me the taxiway has a slight sideways incline.

85,000 feet is the official Blackbird ceiling, although it supposedly could fly higher